Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Kael

Finally a true pocket gun! Many of you have groused that while these posts are called pocket dumps, few of the pistols featured have actually been pocketable (unless you're Richard Kiel). But here we...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Jason

Jason's an operations manager. Exactly what operations he manages, we're not sure, but he's armed when he's managing it. And he's armed with a .45 caliber Springfield XD-S carried in a DeSantis ankle holster....

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Brenodo

Some people carry more gear around on a daily basis than others. Clearly Brenodo can't cram all of what you see above in his 5.11's. Then again, he wears a lot of hats. He's...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Godfrey

Godfrey's a leatherneck and more grateful for his service we could not be. It's also good to see that he carries one of our favorite EDC guns (when not on duty, we assume). As...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Nikki Stieglitz

Tennesean Nikki Stieglitz loves her GLOCK 19. "My EDC is an extension of me, and I don't go anywhere without it!" Get the details on the rest of her gear here.

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Ian Wolf

Ian is a restaurant manager. Accordingly, along with the rest of his EDC gear, he carries Smith & Wesson M&P Shield. Because guns. The rest of his gear is detailed at Everyday Carry. You...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Murph

Murph, a machinist, is the first of our Everyday Carry toters to show a Colt 1911 he packs in a Galco Combat Master, a classic pairing that will no doubt please the traditionalists around these...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Mack Welsh

Mack Welsh describes himself as a county employee. We don't know which county, but any county that let's you carry a gun at work is OK by us. In this case, a Taurus PT111...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: gratiafabula

Here's mechanical engineer gratiafabula's EDC. The star of this show: a Springfield XD-S .45 in a Werkz holster. You can see the details on the rest of his gear and lots of others' at Everyday...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Jonathan

TTAG reader Jonathan noted our new Everyday Carry series and submitted his own daily carry configuration. That's a CZ-75 P-01 with custom grips that he hauls in a Just Holster It IWB rig. Check...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Tyler

Tyler (again, not our Tyler) is a gas compression technician. We don't know much about that, but we know we like his choice of carry gun...the STI Electra CTC with Crimson Trace Lasergrip. That...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Nick

Today's Everyday Carry pocket dump belongs to Nick. Not our Nick, but Nick the painter. And Nick carries a Smith & Wesson SD9VE along with that other gear. You can check out the rest...