Fred Guttenberg

The Truth About David Chipman the Gun Control Industry Can’t Stand to Hear

By Larry Keane There are lies, damned lies and gun control lies. The problem with the gun control lies is that those who continue to spout them have no shame even when they’ve been proven...
sad tired guilty shame woman

New York Times Readers Struggle With the Guilt of Living in Safe Neighborhoods

I am a white woman living in an overwhelmingly white, low-crime neighborhood. My homeowners’ association pays off-duty members of the local Police Department to patrol the neighborhood, even though there is broad agreement among...
black women woman gun owner

Debunking the ACLU: It’s Gun Control, Not the Second Amendment That’s Steeped in Racism

By Olivia Rondeau and Hannah Cox The ACLU fired shots on Twitter last month, claiming that the Second Amendment is “racist” alongside an article and podcast episode that posed the question “Do Black People Have...
gun store sales

Voting With Their Wallets: Americans Aren’t Buying Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

By Larry Keane Americans are sending a message of their own, despite President Joe Biden’s continued push to restrict their Second Amendment rights. They are choosing to protect themselves. Two key markers demonstrate Americans in 2021...
cuba demonstration

The Lesson of Cuba: Never Give Up Your Guns…Ever

  As we noted in a post earlier today, the media and politicians feign incredulity at Americans who pledge they will never give up their guns. They cite polls claiming a majority of Americans support...
Joe Biden

Biden’s Push Against ‘Rogue’ Firearms Dealers Isn’t Supported by the Government’s Own Data

By Emily Taylor Recently, President Biden announced his new strategy to combat the rise of gun violence in the United States. This plan seeks to make federal funds available to local law enforcement, school programs, and programs...
Cuba Protests

An Armed Populace is the Bulwark of Liberty

By Miguel A. Faria, M.D. Civilian disarmament is not only harmful to one’s freedom and potentially deadly to one’s existence, but also counterproductive in achieving safety. This has been further attested by Professor, Rudy J....

Follow the Science: Is it Possible to Still Trust ‘Experts’?

By Gary Mauser Experts have squandered their credibility in recent public failures. The repeated misjudgments by public health experts over the past year have demonstrated that they didn’t know how to deal with the pandemic. Claiming their decisions were “backed...
gun control protest

Setting the Record Straight: The Enemy is the Enemy

Incredibly, there are still people in the outdoor and shooting sports community who are attempting to remain apolitical. They shy away from definitive terms like liberal or conservative. These folks still believe that, if...
black gun owners minority minorities

Stop the Charade: The ACLU Only Defends the Civil Rights It Likes

By Larry Keane The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) needs to change their name. At this point, it’s just false advertising. The ACLU recently argued that, “anti-Blackness determined the inclusion of the Second Amendment in the...
University of Virginia

Seeking Narrative: A Glimpse Into The Bias Inherent in Much “Gun Violence” Research

By Larry Keane Gun control groups want to study gun owners like some sort of caged laboratory animal. They want to poke and prod. University professors want to ask questions, theorize and understand the answers...
tactical molle apron bbq

Should Have Been a DGU: Texas Shooter Bludgeoned to Death With Bricks

It boggles the mind but, somehow, despite being in Fort Worth, Texas, an aggrieved party-goer managed to open fire on an apparently (not to mention shamefully) unarmed group of backyard party attendees. Well, "unarmed"...