Colorado gun control Tom Sullivan

Colorado Democrats Push 3 Gun Control Bills That Would Put Citizens’ Lives in Danger

37 By Dan Wos Colorado legislators are working hard to destroy the Second Amendment rights of the state’s residents. Following the Boulder grocery store shooting, they're currently considering three bills, SB 21-256, HB 21-1298 and HB...
ghost gun 80% arms

BREAKING: DOJ Publishes Proposed ‘Ghost Gun’ Rules, Outlawing Unserialized 80% Lowers, ‘Modernizing’ Receiver Definition

As expected, the Department of Justice has published its proposed new rules for 80% lowers and frames, what politicians have derisively dubbed "ghost guns" in order to demonize home-built firearms. The proposed rules, released...

This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace – Colombia Descends Into Violence

Reader George D. writes . . . I am a naturalized U.S. citizen, originally born in Colombia. My family fled Colombia for the promise of America and I am so grateful for what my mother...

Ask Josh: What’s The Best Pistol Setup for Optics and Iron Sights?

Have a question for Josh? Email it to [email protected].  TTAG Reader Todd emailed and asked the following about the growing trend to pistol optics: When using red dot sights on a handgun, would it be best to...
US Constitution gun pistol revolver

Pro-Gun Brit Martin Hyde: Sir Max Hastings is a Hoplophobic Git

by Martin Hyde The article by "Sir Max" Hastings pontificating on things in my adopted homeland that aren't his business rather proves that some Brits haven't learned much since the days of King George. Specifically, I speak as...
New York Times

The New York Times: Half-Truths and Omissions in Service of its Anti-Gun Agenda

By Larry Keane When The New York Times tells America they publish “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” what they’re really saying is that it’s only the news that fits their narrative. The New York...
Bill de Blasio

New York’s Mayor de Blasio Fights Crime By Aiming at Law-Abiding Citizens…Again…Still

By Larry Keane For New York City’s Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, the gun is the problem, not the criminal. That’s why he focused on New York City’s crime problem by restricting law-abiding citizens’ ability to...
AR-15 rifle

Oh Look! An Englishman Disapproves of Our Gun Rights…And the Second Amendment Foundation

By Lee Williams Sir Max Hugh Macdonald Hastings is a preeminent British journalist and military historian. As a foreign correspondent for the BBC, he covered 11 wars and reported from more than 60 countries. In 1982,...

How The Federal Government Uses Your Tax Dollars to Fund Gun Control

By Emily Taylor The federal government collected $3.5 trillion in taxpayer money in 2019. How much of that is being spent on demonizing guns? How much is being spent on advertising campaigns and public programs that are...
New York Diamond merchant district

The Supreme Court Should Take a Close Look at What ‘Proper Cause’ Means in...

The Duke Center for Firearms Law had a few comments on the Corlett carry permit case recently taken up by the United States Supreme Court: The case–New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett–centers...
Smith & Wesson Factory Springfield

Massachusetts Tries to Drive Remaining Gun Makers Out of the State

By Larry Keane Out of curiosity, are there any governors out there who might be interested in bringing a historic manufacturing business to their state? It’s one that employs thousands and contributes to over $4.5...
Supreme Court

Second Amendment Rights: It’s a Long Way To Certiorari, It’s a Long Way to...

Since McDonald in 2010 the People of the Gun have awaited the Court’s pleasure in granting cert to another Second Amendment case. We had only to wait six years when SCOTUS granted cert to...