Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick

Make Advocating Gun Control the Third Rail of American Politics Again

It occurs to me that the best strategy for protecting gun rights in America is to "third rail" gun control. Make support for any more limits on the right to keep and bear arms...

Why David Chipman is a Disastrous Choice as Biden’s ATF Director

By Larry Keane It’s hard to think of a worse possible nominee than David Chipman to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). President Joe Biden could have nominated Robert Francis “Beto”...

Florida Lawmakers are Trying to Pull a Gun Rights Switcheroo

The current Florida legislative session adjourns on April 30. Republicans hold a 24-16 majority in the Senate and a 78-42 majority in the House. Given those margins and the current climate in the country,...
Bloomberg Arlington campaign gun control

Gun Control: How to Influence Politicians And Change Their Votes

By MarkPA A friend recently told me a story of a conversation with a legislator which gave me a new insight. The gist of it is this: A politician has zero interest in “the facts” that...

Brady: Gun Control Orgs Won’t ‘Allow’ Firearms Industry Carveouts in Gun Control Legislation

Republicans say that requiring a background check for a sale or transfer between people who know each other would be a bridge too far. Toomey says Democrats won’t get 60 votes if they insist...
David Chipman

Meet David Chipman, the Man Joe Biden Has Chosen to Lead the ATF

By Larry Keane David Chipman was once a respected special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That was before he decided to peddle gun control. Now, he’s reduced to name calling and...
Joe Biden podium lectern

Can a Biden Presidential Executive Order Take Away Your Guns?

By Emily Taylor As of March 2021, President Joe Biden had already signed 37 executive orders. Recently, he confirmed that he’s looking at his options for executive orders to control firearms. “Can we expect any gun...
congressional house democrats

The Democrats’ Gun Control Harassment Strategy

By MarkPA Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times “How Do We Stop The Parade of Gun Deaths?” . . . I’m sympathetic to the aim , but also wary. I’m not sure it’s possible to...

Hillary Clinton Reveals Her Scorn For Average Americans Again…Still

By Larry Keane Hillary Clinton just can’t help herself. Never mind that her tone-deaf demand for gun control caused gun owners to come out in record numbers to deny her an all-but-assured White House victory...

Folks Sing the Praises of Anthony Colandro

Last week, we ran a story reporting on NRA Board member Anthony Colandro posing with some "gun safety literature" that's produced by Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety. Since that story ran, we've received...
California Office Shooting

Orange, California Office Shooting Was Not a Random Act of Violence

By Stefanie Dazio and Amy Taxin, Associated Press . . . A gunman who killed four people, including a 9-year-old boy, in a rampage at a Southern California office building knew all the victims and...
dick heller DC v heller scotus decision

The American Gun Owner is the Only Thing Stopping More Gun Control Laws

By Larry Keane Democrats have just one obstacle when it comes to achieving their vaunted gun control utopia. It’s you – the completely irrational, rights-demanding, unreasonable and uncompromising American. You “selfish” gun owners. You are the...