Oakland LaRonne Armstrong

You Need Self-Defense Insurance: Police Chief All Grins After Shop Owner Arrested While...

As we reported yesterday, Oakland's police chief LeRonne Armstrong held a media briefing about the arrest of a Good Samaritan who used his gun to thwart the assault and robbery of a woman outside...
Joe Biden

When it Comes to Doing Something About ‘Gun Violence’ Biden Chooses Malarkey Over Real...

By Larry Keane President Biden’s call for gun control on the anniversary of the Parkland, Fla. tragedy is, well…malarkey. President Joe Biden marked the anniversary of the tragedy at Parkland, Fla., by calling for three of...
Ron DeSantis

Why Do Florida Republicans Suffer From Amnesia When it Comes to Gun Rights?

We have 102 Republicans in office in Florida between the House and the Senate -- a supermajority in both chambers. And yet we can count the pro-gun bills that have been introduced so far...

More Microstamping Mandates…And ‘Smart’ Guns, Too!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZam0EIgelM&t=4s This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  Federal Bill Would Mandate Guns Be Made “Smart” Ah, the ever-present threat...
3d ak receiver

Is Homeland Security Cracking Down On 3-D Printing?

Some odd documents are circulating on the Internet which purport to show that the Department of Homeland Security wants to combat "illegal -D printing," whatever that is, because making firearms for one's own use...
School Shooting David Hogg Book

David Hogg Leaves March For Our Lives to Start a Pillow Company, Work Through...

David Hogg, the ostensible cofounder of March For Our Lives, an anti-gun organization formed after the Parkland school shooting, has announced that he will "step back and take a leave of absence" from the...
Vara Safety Reach 2 gun lock

Science: Study Uses Cherry-Picked Sources to Drive Predetermined Conclusions on Child Death Study

By Salam Fatohi There is no greater loss than that of a child’s life. Unintentional or accidental death can be even more jarring due to the seemingly preventable nature. Certainly, unintentional childhood death is an...

Ask Josh: Help, I’ve Been Deplatformed!

Disclaimer, the image above isn’t real... yet. Today’s Ask Josh isn't a gun or ammo question. In a long email, reader Bob lamented the fact that people were being gaslit and removed from mainstream...

Bank of America Sells Out Gun Owners…Again…Still

By Larry Keane Bank of America, it turns out, is selling out their customers who bought guns or ammunition to federal authorities as people who should be investigated for ties to the criminal acts witnessed...
government spy big brother stasi cia

Senator Manchin Wants All of Your ‘Suspicious Transmissions’ Reported to the Federal Government

Senator Joe Manchin, whom you may recall from his star turn promoting the failed Manchin-Toomey universal background check push after Sandy Hook, is still busy in the Senate. He's the "centrist" West Virginia Democrat...
Bank of America

After Providing Customer Transaction Info to the FBI, I’m Finished With Bank of America

By Cato Hodiernus I’ve been a customer of Bank of America for over three decades. Over the years, I’ve had various checking, savings, trust, and investment accounts with them, as well as loans, lines of...
Beto O'Rourke

Failure Trifecta: Gun-Grabber Beto O’Rourke Reportedly Eyeing Texas Governor Run

By Larry Keane In Texas, someone who’s all talk with little to show is said to be “All hat. No cattle.” Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, with his gun confiscation schemes, wears a hat to block...