President Joe Biden

Biden’s Getting the Anti-Gun Band Back Together Again

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden is making good on one part of his “unity” pledge. He’s getting the band back together to sing to America why he wants more gun control. The problem is he’s...
Brace Built Modern Carbine MC6 AR-15 rifle

The ‘AR’ in AR-15 Stands for Anyone’s Right

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD On the same day that Nancy Pelosi requested crew-manned, belt-fed machine guns to “defend” the militarily-occupied Capitol leading up to the inauguration, President-Elect Joe Biden appeared with Brady gun-confiscationists holding “BAN ASSAULT...
Natural Born Killers

The Rich Hypocrisy of the Gun Control Industry’s Unholy Alliance With Hollywood

By Larry Keane Gun control groups are recruiting Hollywood elites to sell the reasons why more gun control is necessary. Never mind these same Tinseltowners live within gated, secure neighborhoods and often pay for private...

The Renaissance of America’s Great Outdoor Pastime

By Larry Keane America’s outdoor pastime experienced a renaissance in 2020 and signs indicate the trend will continue in 2021. Hunting and recreational shooting sports saw a boom in popularity as millions of Americans purchased...
CT state Senator Haskell with MDA

Connecticut Democrat Proposes Fining Those Who Do Not Exercise Rights

Connecticut state Senator Will Haskell has a plan; a Proposed Bill No. 180 would institute a $20 fine for not voting. That title 9 of the general statutes be amended to provide that (1) at...
Crime scene gun

A Solution to ‘Gun Violence’ – Make Criminals Feel Bad About Shooting People

A recent op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer titled 'It's time to treat gun violence like the public health emergency it is' sounds predictably tedious -- spoiler alert: it is -- but it's not only...

Public Service Announcement: Don’t Be the ‘Zip Tie Guy’

Zip Tie guy's order to be released has been repealed, will be transported immediately to DC in federal custody. — OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) January 24, 2021 You are undoubtedly aware of the goings-on in the Capitol...

New York Gun Purchase Waiting Period Bill Would Ensure More Violent Criminals Remain Safe...

By Dan Wos During the 2020 riots that ravaged our country for most of the summer, Americans bought guns at a rate never before seen. Non-gun owners and often even anti-gunners decided it was time...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC

AOC Displays Her Stunning Ignorance of Federal Firearms Laws…Again…Still

By Larry Keane Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance is showing again. Her latest gaffe is proclaiming “guns are not allowed in the District of Columbia…” in a CNN interview with Chris Cuomo, brother, of course, to Democratic New...

SmartGunz Announces the $2500 9mm Sentry RFID ‘Smart’ Pistol

The mainstream media and gun-hating, leftist politicians (but I repeat myself) love to claim that "smart guns" would somehow stop all accidents and keep criminals from abusing firearms. In fact, some smart politicians have...

Reality Check: Ammo Is Scarce And Prices Just Keep Jumping

In a piece published by Fox35Orlando immediately prior to the Biden inauguration it was reported that people in search of ammunition are facing even an uphill battle. People started lining up in front of the...
gun graphic digital pixel dissolve feat

More Gun Control Laws Don’t Stop the Killing

By Thomas E. Gift, MD A recent report published in the American Journal of Public Health examines whether laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms have effects on homicides and suicides not caused by...