Facebook Ignores Actual Gun Safety in Favor Of Scoring Political Points

By Larry Keane Facebook decided – in the name of safety – that they would ban any ads for “accessories such as gun safes, vests and gun holsters in the US,” according to a blog post posted...

Tiny Statehouse Protests Have Been Non-Events So Far

By David A. Lieb and Adam Geller, Associated Press Small groups of right-wing protesters — some of them carrying rifles — gathered outside heavily fortified statehouses around the country Sunday, outnumbered by National Guard troops...
capitol inauguration national guard

Facebook Bans Ads for Holsters, Gun Safes Until After the Inauguration

There's nothing quite so dangerous during a time of national division and social unrest as an advertisement for a gun safe. "We already prohibit ads for weapons, ammunition and weapon enhancements like silencers," the company...
computer hacker

De-Platforming Firearm-Related Sites is a Dark Omen

By Joe Bartozzi Throughout history, censorship has occurred whenever government or private groups attempt to impose their political or moral values on others. One would imagine that this could never happen in the most free...
SilencerCo Sparrow 22

The Hearing Protection Act Should Get Bipartisan Support…Right?

By Larry Keane Prospects for any sort of pro-gun bill moving in Congress are dim, but that doesn’t mean Congress shouldn’t try, especially when it’s a bill to make recreational shooting and hunting safer and...
Hair dryer blow dryer

What America Really Needs Now: A Second 3-Letter Agency to Regulate Guns

Yes, let's definitely define "devices" under the Food and Drug Administration's remit as broadly as possible. That way, not only firearms, but other everyday implements like electric shavers, toothbrushes, hair dryers and much, much...

When the Gun Culture Embraces the Cancel Culture

By Bob Kingsley Last April, the gun club I had been a member of for 20 years closed abruptly after having a panic attack related to the Covid-19 virus. The club had a 24/7 access...
Louisville nfa coalition open carry protest

Grabar: Carrying Firearms Is Incompatible With Democracy

And here we have a natural extension of the expanding attack on gun rights following the storming of the Capitol . . . So far, most of the faceoffs between Trump loyalists and federal lawmakers...
AR-15 80% lower

Shannon Watts Wants to Know What’s In Your Wallet

By Larry Keane Shannon Watts wants to know what’s in your wallet. Even more, she wants what’s in your wallet to decide what you can buy. Michael Bloomberg’s front woman for his bought-and-paid-for gun control group...
Joe Biden

Biden’s NRA Tweet Was An Attack on All Law-Abiding Gun Owners

.@GabbyGiffords — Your perseverance and immeasurable courage continue to inspire me and millions of others. I pledge to continue to work with you — and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country —...
US Capitol protest riot

The Left Declares The Real Capitol Riot Villains are America’s Gun Owners

Last week’s takeover of the U.S. Capitol, which was accomplished without any known discharge of firearms by the occupiers, has now triggered a rapidly escalating campaign to punish the Second Amendment community. The widening...
cartridge boxes

The Online Media Purge: Checking Off All The Boxes

If you were busy yesterday, you may not have heard that Twitter has permanently banned the President of the United States after he called for peace. They are also actively banning anyone who points...