cartridge boxes

The Online Media Purge: Checking Off All The Boxes

If you were busy yesterday, you may not have heard that Twitter has permanently banned the President of the United States after he called for peace. They are also actively banning anyone who points...
Electoral College capitol trump Protests

There’s One Path to Avoiding Politics By Other Means

By MarkPA The Presidential race for 2020 seems to have wound up with a Trump loss and a Biden win. Now what? Many gun owners probably hold that the election was stolen. The courts sat on...

A Gun-Friendly Group of New House Members Take Office

By Larry Keane The 117th Congress gaveled into session on Jan. 3 and among the new faces in the U.S. House of Representatives are dozens of firearm-friendly freshmen. It’s the most diverse Republican freshmen class ever and includes military veterans,...
red flag evro gvro confiscation colorado

Florida’s Parkland Red Flag Law: Two Years Later and Homicides and Suicides are Both...

Some time back, I took a look at the results of Florida's "red flag" law. It was passed in the rush to DO SOMETHING, less than one month after the February, 2018 shooting at...

Gun History: Was JFK the Last Pro-2A President?

Adam Johnston over at the Foundation for Economic Education recently wrote an article examining Biden's anti-gun policies by contrasting them to the gun-related works of JFK, Frederick Douglas, and Samuel Adams. This caught my...
Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15

New: The Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15 Forced Reset AR-15 Trigger

The new Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15 trigger for the AR platform allows very rapid semi-automatic fire from an AR-15 rifle. Watch the video above, which shows the trigger in action and explains how it...

Nashville Bombing Lesson: Beware of Normalcy Bias

The Nashville, Tennessee Christmas morning bombing just keeps getting stranger, it's transpired police were called to reports of shots fired, upon arrival a truck was blaring a 15min warning from speakers that it would...
march for our lives protest gun control

Americans’ ‘Antipathy to Facts’ is the Problem Where COVID and Guns are Concerned

An editorial published by the editorial board Minneapolis' StarTribune is beats what has become a familiar drum by claiming guns and COVID have a great deal in common: Nothing will bring back the loved ones...

Christmas Carols Done Right

12 It just wouldn't be Christmas without a few classic carols. Enjoy. Feliz Navidad. Joyeux Noël. Wesołych Świąt. Nadolig Llawen. Vrolijk kerstfeest. Nollaig Shona. Frohe Weinachten. God Jul. Veselé Vánoce. Feliz Natal. Hauskaa joulua. Glædelig Jul....
ATF headquarters hq

Let’s Not Celebrate the ATF Pistol Brace Withdrawal Quite So Fast

Yesterday, the ATF withdrew its notice and request for comments on pistol braces. Dan Zimmerman called this "an unqualified victory." I respectfully beg to differ. I see it as a retrenchment rather than a...
Joe Biden

HELP SAVE THE SECOND: Meaningful Steps Each of Us Can Take to Save Our...

Clearly, the coming Biden regime intends on launching its own little jihad on American gun owners' rights.  Even without Congressional lawmaking, slow Joe can do plenty through executive action to make gun ownership expensive...
Gun store sales

Malte: California’s Gun Sales Surge Means More Risk, More Death

Brian Malte, writing for the Times of San Diego, has taken a look across the Golden State and feels that the surge in gun sales in California means impending death. Approximately 110,000 Californians have purchased...