THE DECISION IS IN: More on the Supreme Court Striking Down Bump Stock Ban

In another giant blow to gross executive overreach, the U.S. Supreme court earlier this morning struck down the bump stock ban instituted by the Department of Justice under the Trump Administration. The vote on the...

Gun Control Groups Go Crickets Amidst Hunter Biden Gun Case Controversy

Top gun control groups have notably avoided discussing Hunter Biden’s recent gun conviction and his likely appeal on Second Amendment grounds. As reported by Politico, these groups are reluctant to comment on the case,...

Punitive Gun Storage Measure On The Move In California

California gun owners could face a restrictive—and arguably unconstitutional—new firearms storage law if some anti-gun Democrats in the state assembly get their way. A measure requiring guns to be stored where they are inaccessible...

BREAKING: District Court Vacates Biden Pistol Brace Final Rule

A U.S. District Court in Texas has ruled that the Biden Justice Department’s Final Rule redefining braced pistols as “short-barreled rifles” violates the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) so is therefore unconstitutional. In the lawsuit Mock...
Joe Biden angry point gesture

Pardon Or Commute: How The President Might Use Semantics To Save Hunter From Prison

While President Joe Biden seemed adamant a few days ago that he would not pardon his son, Hunter Biden, if he was convicted on felony gun charges, the White House seems to be backing...

Maine Group Set To Fight New 3-Day Waiting Period Law

The pro-gun group Gun Owners of Maine is preparing to fight the state’s newly implemented three-day waiting period in court, but that fight is going to take money. Back in April, anti-gun lawmakers in the...

Mission First Tactical Custom AR-15 Mags

It was back at SHOT Show in early 2020 when I hit the Mission First Tactical (MFT) booth and spied a few distinctive AR-15 mags on display. They had colorful images seemingly embedded into...

GUILTY! Hunter Biden Convicted On All Charges

A federal court jury in Delaware has found Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, guilty on all three federal felony gun charges stemming from buying and possessing a firearm while he was addicted...

U.S. Rep. Introduces Measure To Ban Gas-Operated Semi-Autos

It will probably come as no surprise to most TTAG readers that a gun-ban advocate in the U.S. Congress has once again introduced a measure to ban many semi-automatic rifles used commonly and legally...
trump un arms trade treaty

Second Amendment Foundation Vows To Fight For Trump’s 2A Rights

With former President Donald Trump’s recent conviction on felony charges, New York is preparing to revoke his gun license and Trump haters are calling for all of his firearms to be confiscated. But one pro-freedom...
Rob Bonta Gun Control California

NRA Files Brief In Cali One-Gun-A-Month Lawsuit

Further bolstering the case against the state of California for restricting gun purchases to one a month, the National Rifle Association has filed a brief with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal in the...
Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden Trial Continues With Prosecutors Citing Drug Abuse

With the jury in place, Hunter Biden’s trial for allegedly violating federal firearms laws kicked off Tuesday with opening statements in a federal courtroom in Delaware. In 2018, Hunter Biden, now 54, purchased a firearm...