ammo ammunition feat

Bill Would Mandate California-Style Ammunition Background Checks in Florida

In Florida, you can’t legally own or have a firearm if you’ve been convicted of a felony, if you’re under a domestic violence restraining order, or if you’re deemed a “violent career criminal.” You...
doctor gun Massachusetts gun doctor billpolicies that don't work control

NYC Trauma Surgeon Wonders Why Can’t Politicians Stop ‘Gun Violence’?

A trauma surgeon in New York City, where shootings and murders have skyrocketed in the last eight months, believes it is the job of politicians to stop criminals from behaving criminally. The Daily News...
Kat Ainsworth

Holiday Season Pro Tip: Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

The first thing my mainstream media alert feed was filled with this morning was reports of shootings. CNN reported that in Henderson, Nevada it seems some suspects drove around randomly shooting at people, leaving...
Bank of America

Comptroller of the Currency’s Proposed Rule Would End Anti-Gun Banking Discrimination

By Larry Keane The days of corporate banking overlords forcing discriminatory policies on lawful industries is, hopefully, coming to an end. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released a proposed rule that would...
check book checkbook gun finances

Student Loans, Fiscal Incompetence and Firearms: A Thought Experiment

Here's a little thought experiment. To be clear, I'm not proposing that this actually be done, but it might be worth discussing it with anti-2A types. It also makes a good talking point. No doubt...
Brace Built Modern Carbine MC6 AR-15 rifle

The Truth About The Distinction Between Military and Civilian Firearms

By Mark Houser It’s a common trope of American political discourse: a politician will emphatically declare his respect for the Second Amendment. He will deny that he’s “coming for your guns.” After all, he knows that gun-grabbing...
toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz

Toledo Mayor’s Cancel Culture Gun Retailer Questionnaire is an Epic Fail

By Larry Keane Toledo, Ohio Democratic Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz’s attempts to cancel licensed firearm retailers who don’t accept his purity tests is backfiring on him, his city’s law enforcement and his community. Mayor Kapszukiewicz announced he was forcing...
Joe Biden

Gun Control Orgs Calling the Shots as the Biden Administration Prepares to Take Power

By Larry Keane Voters roundly rejected gun control groups and their anti-Second Amendment schemes on Election Day. That hasn’t stopped these groups from searching for alternatives to advance their antigun agenda. Now failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s...
CBD oil

Marijuana and Gun Rights Don’t Mix, But What About CBD Oil?

By Emily Taylor A topic sparking discussions among gun owners is the legality of cannabidiol or CBD oil. While many medical patients swear by its healing effects, gun owners nationwide could find CBD oil to...

As Americans Stock Up on Guns, Support for More Gun Control Craters

By Larry Keane If polls are to be trusted any longer, there’s one out from Gallup that shows gun control zealots aren’t paying attention to America’s growing distaste for gun control. Americans want less gun control laws now...
Kimber and friends (courtesy Jeffrey Lynch for The Truth About Guns)

The Concealed Carry Lifestyle for Beginners

By Jeff Lynch I've always been a staunch conservative and firm supporter in our nation's Constitution, a document that continues to govern our people through Democrat and Republican administrations alike. I am and always will...

More Billionaires for Gun Control: John and Laura Arnold Want to Know What’s In...

By Larry Keane It seems antigun billionaires think there’s nothing a few dollars and some manipulation of government data can’t fix. Arnold Ventures, run by former Enron traders John and Laura Arnold, is a billionaire...