Joe Biden, Kamala Harris

Existential Threat: Gun Rights and the Biden/Harris Agenda

By Alan M. Rice Joe Biden has been running for president for 32 years. Longtime advocates of the right to bear arms may remember that Joe Biden has run twice before, in 1988 and 2008....

72% of Americans Expect Political Violence: Take Steps to Protect Yourself From Riots and...

Political violence isn't supposed to happen in America. U.S. history is characterized by peaceful changes of power no matter the election results. However, in the age of President Donald Trump, things have changed. A...
Andrew Cuomo biden attorney general

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo: How Great Would That Be?

By Larry Keane Three-term Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plate is full. He’s on tour promoting his celebratory coronavirus “success” book, ignoring pandemic help offered by lawful firearm businesses, bucking responsibility and blaming New York City’s Democratic Mayor...
Q honey badger pistol

ATF to Stop Badgering Q (For Now) and Is the 2A An Individual Right?...

29 This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. SCOTUS nominee says the Second Amendment is an individual right During Judge...
Luby's Cafeteria massacre shooting

America’s Great Expansion of Firearm Carry Rights: How We Got Here

I recently had a discussion with a well-educated friend. She's articulate, opinionated and unafraid to share her perspectives. She believes the world would be better off without guns. She is also of the opinion...
common sense gun control protest sign

Is ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Even a Thing?

By MarkPA Back when I was in high school, we spoke simply of “gun control.” Congress passed “An Act to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for better control of the interstate traffic...
Big Tim Sullivan

The Arbirtary, Unequal Application of Who Can and Can’t Exercise Their Second Amendment Rights

By MarkPA Nelson Lund of George Mason Law, in his forthcoming Northwestern Law Review article, offers a provocative view of the gun control debate. One relatively minor point struck me as especially important: . . ....

Wisconsin Prosecutors Drop Charges Against First Shooter in Order to Prosecute Kyle Rittenhouse

On October 13, 2020, the Gateway Pundit broke the story that the person who fired the first shot the night Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to defend his life, Joshua Ziminski, was arrested and charged. The...
amy coney barrett supreme court

Amy Coney Barrett Makes No Apologies for Sticking to Her Guns During Senate Confirmation...

By Larry Keane Judge Amy Coney Barrett showed the nation several things for which she won’t apologize during her nomination hearings. She won’t apologize for her keen intellect, her dedication to originalist interpretation of the...
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Trump

What Would the Democrats’ Court-Packing Mean for Gun Rights?

By Theresa Inacker In recent days, we have seen both Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris dodge questions about “court-packing.” Biden finally said he “isn’t a fan of it”, but never said he...
evidence crime gun

ATF Gun Trace Data Could be Made Public if Biden is Elected President

By Larry Keane Former Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control agenda includes plans to get rid of the Tiahrt Amendment. What does this mean? With the election rapidly approaching, the gun control agenda of former Vice...
st. louis mccloskey

McCloskeys Plead Not Guilty to Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Evidence Tampering Charges

By Jim Salter, AP A St. Louis couple celebrated in some circles and vilified in others for waving guns at protesters marching on their private street pleaded not guilty to two felony charges at a...