ar-15 assault weapon rifle ban

Latest FBI Data Clearly Shows Biden’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban is Not About Reducing Crime

By Elizabeth McGugian As election day draws closer, Americans should be well aware of the differences between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden when it comes to their Second Amendment rights. One of the...
Joe Biden Debate

Biden: I AM the Democratic Party and This is My Gun Control Plan

By Larry Keane Former Vice President Joe Biden is the captain now. “The party is me,” Biden said during the presidential debate. “Right now, I am the Democratic Party. I am the Democratic Party right now.” The debate didn’t...

Judge Barrett Was the Right Choice. Now the Battle Begins

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett is again delivering on his promise to return the judiciary to jurists who will faithfully interpret law as it is...
Louisville shop owner armed BLM

Store Owners Learn That No One Will Protect Their Property If They Don’t

#BLM protesters approach small business owner Fadi Faouri and demand he say "Black Lives Matter" he refused. A building that Faouri was leasing was firebombed last night in #Louisville — Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport)...
Biden Harris

The Biden Gun Control Agenda Would Choke Off Gun Sales to Law-Abiding Americans

From the NSSF: NSSF, the trade association for the firearm industry, is shining a spotlight on former Vice President Joe Biden’s radical antigun campaign promise to end gun sales as America knows it. His far-left...
Jerome Ersland shooting

Reasonable Force: ‘Did He Fire Six Shots or Only Five?’

By Richard Hayes You probably recognize the memorable movie lines delivered by actor Clint Eastwood: “Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I’ve kinda...
Supreme Court New York Second Amendment Protest

Why We Need the Supreme Court Back in the Second Amendment Business

By Miguel A. Faria, MD Some readers were surprised to learn from my previous article on this subject that the Supreme Court of the United States has not made it clear that the right to...
Sample Patient Intake Form

A New York Hospital System is Building a Gun Owner Registry One Patient At...

Northwell Health, New York State's largest healthcare provider, is beginning a pilot program ostensibly intended to determine their patients' "risk for firearm injury." Starting later this month, Northwell staff at two Long Island hospitals and...
Dianne Feinstein Amy Coney Barrett

Attacks on the Constitution: The Second Amendment and Beyond

By Theresa Inacker An attack on our Constitution is an attack on our constitutional republic itself. It has become evident that non-stop Democrat Party attacks on the Second Amendment and gun rights are part of...
Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten: We Need an Australia-Style Mandatory ‘Buyback’ Because America Has Too...

Illinois Representative Sean Casten feels deeply that "we have too many guns." His innovative solution to this pressing problem: a buyback. But not just any ol' buyback. The Daily Herald reported on it, saying: Already an...
Gavin Newsom

Gov. Newsom to House Minority Leader: Don’t Like California’s Ammo Laws? Don’t Shop Here

By Matt Manda U.S. House of Representatives Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) grew up in a hunting and shooting sports family. It was not uncommon to go on dove hunts before high school football practice....
Beto Biden

New Gun Owners Need to Consider What Life Under a President Biden Would Look...

By Elizabeth McGuigan A recent survey in Texas suggested that new gun owners are more likely to support former Vice President Joe Biden than President Donald Trump in this year’s election. There is little evidence to support this, particularly...