New York City’s Answer to Skyrocketing Violent Crime: More Gun ‘Buybacks’

By Larry Keane New York City has a violent crime problem and accidental Mayor Bill de Blasio is shuffling deck chairs in attempts to address it. After proposing to cut $1 billion from New York City’s law enforcement budget...
Mitch McConnell

The Supreme Court Needs to Re-Open for Second Amendment Business

By Miguel A. Faria, M.D In an article earlier this summer Dan Zimmerman, editor of The Truth About Guns, opined that the Supreme Court had been neither denying nor granting certiorari in Second Amendment cases....
SCOTUS supreme court ginsburg

Elections Have Consequences: SCOTUS Fight Reinforces the Importance of #GUNVOTE

By Larry Keane November’s elections now promise to set the direction for all three branches of government and voters concerned about protecting Second Amendment rights have much more at stake. The news of Justice Ruth Bader...
Amy Coney Barrett

Hints of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Stance on Gun Rights Look Promising

Following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, President Trump promised a crowd over the weekend that he'd be nominating a woman for the open seat. This morning, the Wall Street Journal...
Rochester Shooting house party

14 Wounded, 2 Dead at ‘Illegal, Unsanctioned House Party’ in Rochester, NY

From the AP: Gunfire at a backyard party killed two people and wounded 14 others early Saturday in Rochester, New York, a city that has been roiled in recent weeks by outrage over the suffocation...
Everytown John Feinblatt

Everytown for Gun Safety Appears to Have a ‘Systemic Racism’ Problem of its Own

With the election approaching and racial tensions at a boiling point in many places, it’s important to know what’s happening behind closed doors in some of the “progressive” organizations that are so loudly preaching...

How Modern Gun Safes Can Put You At Greater Risk

By Tom Kubiniec Gun safe companies are working quickly to adopt new technologies in their safes. Biometrics (fingerprint scanners, facial recognition), wi-fi, radio frequency identification (RFID) and others are being incorporated into almost every safe...
portland riots molotov mostly peacefulportland riots

Why Do Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Continue to Embrace Extremist Violence?

By Larry Keane Sorry, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. We didn’t know you were still here. Mea culpa. It’s just that no one has heard from this Bloomberg-created and funded group in, well…years. Imagine the surprise when...
Self defense gun firearm training

Misdirection: Blaming ‘Gun Violence’ for a Loss of Public Trust

By Elizabeth McGuigan A recent article published on The Conversation draws a correlation between the psychological impact of so called “gun violence” on Americans and reduced trust. Victims of violent crime can, understandably so, be psychologically affected...
Biden Bloomberg florida 2020 race

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg Says He’ll Spend $100 Million to Buy Florida for Joe Biden

By Larry Keane Billionaire gun control crusader Michael Bloomberg must have done some fall house cleaning and discovered spare change between the sofa cushions. The failed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate announced he will spend an extra $100...
Joe Biden

More of the Same: Biden Cynically Exploits LA Deputy Ambush to Push His Gun...

From the CCRKBA: Democrat Joe Biden’s disgusting attempt to exploit the ambush of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies to push his anti-gun agenda illustrates the intellectual dishonesty of the gun prohibition mindset, the Citizens...
Kid computer online school

With Online Classes, Can Federal Law Make Your Home a ‘Gun-Free’ School Zone?

By Richard Hays The Gun-Free School Zones Act is a federal law that prohibits any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a firearm in a “school zone” . The school zone includes the grounds of public,...