Kid computer online school

With Online Classes, Can Federal Law Make Your Home a ‘Gun-Free’ School Zone?

By Richard Hays The Gun-Free School Zones Act is a federal law that prohibits any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a firearm in a “school zone” . The school zone includes the grounds of public,...
Open carry revolver holster

Everytown’s ‘Gun-Free’ Zone Signage Lawsuit: Be Careful What You Wish For

Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for Criminal Empowerment is backing a lawsuit over Texas' 30.06 and 30.07 signs. If you're new to this, those are the signs property owners must post on their premises to designate...
Pistol Gun Collage Of Triangle Elements In Different Sizes And S

The Problem With ‘Gun Violence’ Research

From the NSSF: There’s no question that crime is a problem in need of multi-faceted solutions. The firearm and ammunition industry recognizes the shared goal of reducing crime and supports unbiased research that will help to meet that...
Donald Trump executive order signing

Where Did Our Freedoms Go? Two words: Executive Orders

By Richard Hayes Many of our freedoms seem to have disappeared right before our eyes; no explanation needed, no permission needed, and no votes cast. How could this possibly happen without more involvement among the...
Ronnie McNutt suicide

TikTok Working to Remove Uploaded Videos of a Mississippi Man Committing Suicide

From the Associated Press: TikTok says it's working to remove videos of a man apparently taking his own life and banning users that keep trying to spread the clips on the popular social media platform. It's...

Book Review: Guns and Self-Defense: 23 Inspirational True Crime Stories of Survival with Firearms

By Miguel A. Faria, MD Guns and Self-Defense: 23 inspirational true crime stories of survival with firearms appropriately begins with a quotation from a Washington Post writer expressing the erroneous view and, at the same...
kyle rittenhouse rifle kenosha

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Unlawful Possession Charge Is A Huge Can Of Worms

Make no mistake, America, nothing less than your God-given right to defend yourself, your family and your country is on trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Watch closely, and hold your government accountable. -- Attorney...
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy

NJ’s Phil Murphy’s Huge Gun Fee Hikes are Only the Latest Attack on Garden...

New Jersey Governor Phil “That’s Above My Pay Grade” Murphy is at it again. In his continued assault on Second Amendment rights (and freedom in general) in the Garden State, Murphy is using the...
Claire McCaskill

McCaskill Claims Women are Sick of Guns…as They Buy Them by the Millions

By Larry Keane Former U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) was replaced by voters in 2018 and is now a political talk show pundit. During a discussion about the violence erupting in America’s communities, including Kenosha,...
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

Is Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s H.R. 7977 Another Bait And Switch Gun Control Bill?

Another Democrat, one Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell , who apparently has no concept of the currently laws regulating firearms in this country, has filed a bill to criminalize dealers selling firearms to straw purchasers, the...
virus gun store sales

CAP: COVID-19 Gun Sales Surge Proves Dangerous Loopholes Exist

In an article titled "Dangerous Gaps in Gun Laws Exposed by the Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge"  the Center for American Progress went on at some length regarding their belief the COVID-19-related gun sales spike...
northam gun control virginia beach

Virginia Legislature Working to Make Assaulting Cops More Acceptable

By Larry Keane A new Virginia proposal is closer to receiving the governor’s signature and announcing loudly and clearly: assaulting a law enforcement officer is now more acceptable to legislators in the Commonwealth. The bill, which...