Chicago August 2020 shootings

Chicago’s Weekend Shootings Are the New Normal

Among items not widely reported in the mainstream media we have Chicago's regular weekly (largely criminal) weekend shooting report. The final tally for this past weekend according to the Sun-Times: Ten people were killed and...
florida SB 1310 kids gun pictures photos social media

Missouri: Make Giving Kids Guns Legal Again

In Missouri it's a misdemeanor to give a kid a gun without parental consent. This is one of those laws that sounds logical from a distance. After all, we don't need some crazy guy...
Biden gun control nra moms demand

A Biden Administration Would Move to Disarm Law-Abiding Americans

By Will A constant feature of Democrat policy over the last three decades has been its constant, steady move to the left on gun issues. While members of both parties once respected the “shall not...
richmond robert e. lee statue

Virginia: Now Officially Of The Criminals, By The Criminals, and For The Criminals

The hellhole-to-be that people call the state of Virginia" is actually the commonwealth of Virginia. I propose a bill that would change the name to something a little more modern and representative of what...
judge gavel

Reminder: As a Gun Owner, Your Social Media Posts Matter

We've all heard the phrase "the internet is forever." That's certainly true. Once you put something out there, it's out there for good. But other things are forever, too, like screenshots and social media...
Phil Murphy

New Jersey Gov. Murphy Uses COVID for Cover to Raise Gun Fees and Taxes

By Larry Keane As the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is taking the mantra to a new level by proposing “stronger gun...
kyle rittenhouse anthony huber

CNN: Anthony Huber Had Nothing but a Skateboard

The latest installment of "what did I just read" comes to us courtesy of CNN. CNN has delivered quite the onslaught of content on what all has gone on in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Now they've...

BANS AND MORE FAILED GUN CONTROL: The Democrat Party Platform on Guns

The Democrat Party has released their final party platform for 2020. In it, on pages 47 and 48, they spell out exactly what they have in mind for the little people in America. In...
Kenosha shooting kyle rittenhouse

Kenosha Police Chief: Don’t Want to Get Shot? Don’t Break Curfew

We all know about the situation in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Part of the land of cheese and snow drifts taller than your car has devolved into chaos rather unsurprisingly...chaos and violent protests seem to be...
montana governor steve bullock

Montana’s Steve Bullock Still On Board With Democrats’ Anti-Gun Party Platform

By Larry Keane Montana Democratic Governor Steve Bullock has had a difficult time deciding where he stands on the Second Amendment. Voters couldn’t be blamed if they developed sudden severe whiplash ahead of November’s U.S....
Kenosha rittenhouse shooting self defense flying kick

There Are a Lot of Places In This Country Where Rioting Just Won’t Happen

Three people were shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin Tuesday night, two fatally in what most mainstream media are still calling "mostly peaceful protests" (these criminal apologists would call the Battle of Stalingrad a "mostly peaceful...
Self defense gun firearm training

ARE YOU READY? ‘Revolutionary’ and Opportunistic Violence Ramping Up Ahead of November

Many politicians and the mainstream media persist in gaslighting Americans about widespread violence and looting in America. Even with buildings burning in the background, reporters keep reciting the mantra of “mostly peaceful protests.” Meanwhile,...