US Army WWII D-Day

The US Gun Culture That Has Saved Europe Didn’t Happen in a Vacuum

By Miguel A. Faria, MD. Europeans like to decry violence in America, calling it America’s "gun culture” while forgetting their share of political mayhem in their own house, including violence perpetrated by jihadists as well...

EU’s Proposed Lead Shot Ban in Wetlands Muddies the Waters for Hunters and Shooters

By Larry Keane Shotguns have a deeply rooted history in Europe among sportsmen, farmers and ranchers. Historically these firearms have used traditional components in their loadings that includes lead shot. Anti-hunting groups in Europe and the...
Democratic national convention tom perez

Democrats’ Platform Plank: End the Firearm Industry in America

By Larry Keane Presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, called the firearm industry “the enemy” from the debate stage one year ago. Now, the rest of the party plans to follow him in that announcement...
best home defense shotgun

Effective Home Defense Amidst Riots, Civil Unrest and the Defund the Police Movement

By Tom Kubiniec June's gun sales statistics skyrocketed 136% percent over 2019 numbers. Over 2.1 million guns were sold in June alone. Notably, 40 percent of these sales are to first-time buyers. This record pace...
AR-15 rifle

Violence, Rioting and Looting Are Why You Need an AR-15 Rifle Now More Than...

By Will All American gun owners have, at some point, heard the refrain, “You don't need an AR-15" from Fudds and leftists who can't comprehend why anyone might need a firearm that can fire more...
joe biden mask

Biden’s ‘Gun Violence Epidemic’ Plan is a Blueprint for Civilian Disarmament

By Theresa Inacker Presumptive Democrat Party candidate Joe Biden has released The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic (you'll have to click through the contribution request to get to it) which reads like...

THIS NOVEMBER: It Comes Down To People Who Love America vs. People Who Loathe...

Unless you're a really low-information voter, you probably know there's an election coming up in about three months. This November, our election boils down to a contest between people who love America and people...
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Fun With Data: More ‘Research’ Blames Mass Shootings On Those Who Didn’t Do It

It's time to play "spot the lousy gun research" again! There's yet a new "study" out that purports to link high rates of firearm ownership to higher rates of mass shootings. It's economically entitled...
storefront sikhs

Personal Defense: Establish Your Line in the Sand Now, Before You’re Forced To Do...

With all the incidents of anarchy and unrest of late, there’s a chance that someday you or your loved ones could find yourselves on the dangerous end of a mob’s anger. With that in...

Atlanta Mayor Bottoms Brings Gun Control Cred to Shannon Watts’ Veepstakes

By Larry Keane Atlanta Democratic Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms soared to the national spotlight following her speech to her city’s rioters and looters to “Stay home!” earlier this year. Democrats took notice and she’s on...

Gun Owners Fight For All Americans’ Civil Rights

The Minneapolis police officer who put his knee on George Floyd’s neck for almost ten minutes deserves the scorn and legal jeopardy in which he now finds himself. He has become a pariah for...
New York City Gun Buyback

Bill de Blasio’s Big ‘End Gun Violence’ Buyback Plan is Doomed to Failure

By Larry Keane New York City’s accidental Mayor, Bill de Blasio, has made some deliberately bad decisions in his attempts to curb the Big Apple’s recent surge in criminal violence. New York City is seeing the...