Supreme Court equal justice under law

The Supreme Court Fiddles While the Second Amendment Burns – Part 3, The Way...

By John Velleco This article concludes a three-part series explaining the courts’ shabby treatment of the Second Amendment since Heller and McDonald were decided more than a decade ago. The first article recounted the U.S....
Broom handle mauser

The Perfect Gun for a Dedicated Anti-Fascist: The ‘Bolo’ C96 Mauser

Previously I carried my 1943 Walther P38. It was the perfect choice at a time where it was my duty as a good Na...citizen to patrol the neighborhood and enforce COVID-19 regulations. Well, we...
Kris Brown

SAF: Gun Control Groups Taking COVID PPP Stimulus Money is Appalling

From the Second Amendment Foundation: The Second Amendment Foundation today said the recent revelation that the anti-gun rights Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence took a federal Paycheck Protection Loan worth up to $1 million,...

Detroit Police Release Video Showing Hakeem Littleton Drew a Gun and Fired at Officers...

Community members in Detroit, whipped into a frenzy by some "community organizers" rallied against law enforcement over Friday's police-involved shooting. Fortunately in this era of bodycams, the truth is obvious to those willing to...
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio

Faced With Failed Policies and Soaring Crime Rates, Mayors Do What They Know Best:...

By Larry Keane Big city mayors must have a standard checklist in the back of their press briefing binders. That page would have one entry that would read: “When your failed policies create chaos, blame guns.” It...

Federal Bill Would Regulate Marijuana Like Booze, Ease Regulation for Gun Owners Who Use...

As we've pointed out frequently in the past, marijuana may be legal in your state, but it's still a Schedule I controlled substance as far as the federal government is concerned. That means you're...

Study: Americans’ ‘Excess Purchases’ of Guns Mean They Clearly Have Excess Freedom

By Elizabeth McGuigan Amazingly, a new “study” is making headlines, despite the fact that it relies on obviously faulty assumptions, irrational methodology and has not been peer-reviewed. The authors cite themselves as support for spurious statements...
gun making tools

Federal Ban Bill Would Take Home Gun Manufacturing Back To The Stone Age

Back in May, one of the Senate's most dedicated anti-gun members, Connecticut's Richard Blumenthal introduced S.3743, the Untraceable Firearms Act of 2020. The target, of course, is those scary objects of gun-grabbers nightmares...ghost guns....
milwaukee va hospital shooting

Man With Shotgun is Shot and Killed After Trying to Enter Milwaukee VA Hospital

Police called to incident at Milwaukee VA Medical Center — WISN 12 NEWS (@WISN12News) July 7, 2020 A man armed with a shotgun was killed by police as he tried to enter a Milwaukee veterans...
atlanta black panther protest march actors

Atlanta Armed ‘Black Panther’ Marchers Were Actors Dressed in Costumes

They said they were Black Panthers, and they looked the part with all-black attire and black berets adorned with a cat-head patch. Their leader was a tall, thin black woman armed with an assault...
yankee marshal mrgunsngear stolen valor

Online Drama: The Yankee Marshal Falsely Accuses Mrgunsngear Of Stolen Valor [VIDEO]

With gun ownership under attack almost constantly, some like myself do our best to avoid the manufactured drama that the online gun community seems to breed. Sometimes that drama takes form as vicious, sometimes...

Let’s Look at HR 719, the Oddball Federal Microstamping Bill in the House

Last year, Rep. Anthony Brown, filed HR 719, the MICRO Act. In typically brilliant legislative fashion, MICRO stands for "Making Identifiable Criminal Rounds Obvious." I didn't pay it too much attention to the MICRO...