raz warlord chaz chop seattle

Washington State Pols Only Care About Gun Control for Law-Abiding Citizens

By Larry Keane The crisis in Seattle is revealing gun control politicians are only interested in enforcing gun laws on the law abiding. When it comes to actual criminals, they’ve abandoned their citizens. Video surfaced of...

SCOTUS: The Court Of No Resort

On Monday, the US Supreme Court released ORDER LIST: 590 U.S. and denied certiorari on all ten Second Amendment cases that were pending. All of them. Bans on carrying outside the home, out-of-state handgun purchases,...
wintemute head shot

Does Handgun Ownership Lead to Suicide?

By Robert B. Young, MD Garen Wintemute, MD (of course) et. al have come up with another study to publish, this one in their anti-gun co-conspirator, The New England Journal of Medicine, purporting to show that gun owners...
Current and Former Mayor's Office Staff Organize Protest at City Hall

Is America Losing the Rule of Law?

By Jay Jacobson Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience...
nra rock river rifles

Guns, Gun Makers and the Second Amendment are There to Protect You During Times...

By Larry Keane The Second Amendment is inalienable and there is a perfect storm right now demonstrating its vital importance. There is a constant barrage of attacks on the Second Amendment in “normal” times. These days...
minneapolis floyd protest riot police

Is A Peaceable Approach To RKBA Change Still The Best Way?

Jay Inslee, governor of Washington state, recently tweeted: As George Floyd is laid to rest in Houston today, we cannot rest until justice is delivered and we create lasting change as Americans and Washingtonians. Because...
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot

Lightfoot’s Failed Leadership Endangers the Lives of Chicago’s Residents

By Larry Keane The Windy City has a serious leadership problem. Amid the coronavirus pandemic and now widespread looting and riots, the violence and crime in Chicago is historically bad. But it is Democratic Mayor...
AR-15 rifle with Aimpoint

The AR-15 Rifle Is The ‘Musket of Our Time’

  By Charles C.W. Cook In 2016, a self-described radical Islamist ruthlessly gunned down a room full of Americans in the worst terrorist attack on United States soil since 9/11. In response, the Obama administration...

What I’m Carrying Now: A P365 on a Magpul Tejas Belt

Ooobuggame writes . . . These are indeed odd times. I work in healthcare, so I'm not allowed to carry at work. Throughout the COVID-19 kerfuffle, staying home has not been an option. To and...

Political Risk: More Gun Sales Doesn’t Mean More Gun Rights Supporters

By Cliff M. Data over the last several months showing record breaking increases in gun sales has built a false sense of security for many 2nd Amendment supporters. Folks are looking at these numbers believing...
Hawaiian shirt boogaloo bois

California Cops Warning of the ‘Boog Bois’ – This Week in Gun Rights...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r75J7B_HEFA   This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at...

Florida ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Shot Down…For Now

A group called Ban Assault Weapons Now had sponsored a ballot initiative to amend the Florida Constitution that would ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Those...