Orange gun violence awareness

Criminal Justice Reform Task Force Recommendations Don’t Include More Gun Control Laws

By Elizabeth McGuigan Despite record numbers of firearm purchases over the past three months, a global pandemic, and civil unrest, news reports suggest that violent crime is down. Naturally, gun control advocates are taking advantage of the ongoing pandemic and the current protests to...
Val Demings

Veepstakes: Florida Rep. Val Demings Blames Lawful Gun Owners for Increased Violence

By Larry Keane Florida Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings has emerged as a top-tier contender to be a running mate for presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s antigun ticket. During these worrisome times of the coronavirus...
Pile of Pennies

Wintemute & Co. Skew Data on Handgun Ownership and Suicide Rates in Newly Published...

No doubt you've heard about the recent study showing that handgun owners are far more likely to commit suicide than non-owners. I was a little dubious about the reports, so I went to the...
school resource officer

Cities Dumping Armed Police Officers in Their Schools, Leaving Students Defenseless

While most school districts across the country still ban teachers and staff from carrying firearms to protect their students, there are about 25,000 school resource officers on campuses. Cops stationed in schools who can...
Shaver police shooting

An Ex-Cop on Police-Involved Shootings and the ‘Warrior Mindset’

By Brian Saady The graphic video from the killing of Daniel Shaver was released after the jury decided to acquit ex-Mesa police officer Philip Brailsford of second-degree murder and reckless manslaughter. The Mesa police department and Mesa...
storefront sikhs

Gun Control Advocates’ Long List of Lies Have Put Law-Abiding Americans at Risk

Dats the good stuff — (@WeaponOutfitter) June 1, 2020 By Theresa Inacker We all know that Moms Demand Action and Everytown are against "gun violence." Have you ever asked yourself why the gun control ‘Karens’...
second amendment tax holiday

Seattle’s Gun and Ammunition Tax Falls Short of Revenue Projections Again…Still

By Larry Keane Seattle’s so-called “gun violence tax” continues to fall far short of the promised returns. Recent figures show that while there was a slight bump in taxes collected, the only thing the tax...
gun store line

Gun Stores Jammed Across the Country After Days of Riots, Looting

Americans have been buying firearms at a record pace since the beginning of the coronavirus national emergency. Approximately five million were sold through first five months of 2020 alone. Now that Americans have watched days...
gun pistol medicine prescription

Physician: Carrying a Gun is Good Preventive Medicine

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD It appears that the coronavirus has outpaced both Obama and Beto as gun salesman of the decade.  Reports abound of large numbers of first-time gun buyers depleting inventory in local gun stores across the...
joe biden mask

Biden’s Fueling Gun Sales by Backing Fund to Bail Out Rioters

The Second Amendment Foundation today said the support Democrat Joe Biden’s staff is showing to violent protesters in Minneapolis by donating to a bail fund is an “outrage,” and it demonstrates why alarmed Americans...
2020 riots looting violence

If Police Won’t Stop the Violence and Looting, America’s Gun Owners Will

Widespread looting and rioting have gripped America these past few days. Business owners across Illinois, and likely much of the nation, have voted with their checkbook on the matter. They have little or no...

Sweeping Gun Bans Increase Gun Crimes in New Zealand

Just thought I'd leave this here. Story above at The Blaze and story below at Gunpowder Magazine. You might even summarize these "shocking" results thusly: More Guns, Less Crime. Also, Guns Save Life. This is...