Uh Oh…Senator Klobuchar’s Uncle Dick is Stuck in His Deer Stand

By Larry Keane U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s 2020 presidential bid didn’t last long, but it seems like her Uncle Dick is stuck sitting up in that dang deer stand. The third-term Minnesota Democrat, wishing she “brought...
Eric Holder fast and furious

Obama and Biden Owe Mexico Some Answers About The Fast and Furious Gun Running...

From the CCRKBA: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said Mexico deserves answers about a bloody Obama-Biden administration gun running scandal called “Operation Fast and Furious,” adding that after...
Sheriff Troy Nehls

NAGR Running TV Ads Highlighting Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls’ Anti-Gun Rant

https://youtu.be/gizKQ9R5Z6I From NAGR: The National Association for Gun Rights launched a new TV ad Monday exposing Fort Bend County (Texas) Sheriff Troy Nehls for his attacks on the Second Amendment. In the TV ad, which may be...
Illiniois Rep. Kelly

Illinois Rep. Robin Kelly’s HR6318 Is A Mass Of Disordered Disarmament Drivel

In March Rep. Robin L. Kelly introduced H.R.6318 - Urban Progress Act of 2020. As the short title suggests, it is a massive catch-all full of social engineering. At The Truth About guns,...
Georgia Weapons Carry License

Another Challenge To Georgia’s Suspension Of Weapons Carry License Applications

In response to Georgia's suspension of the processing of carry permits, yet another lawsuit has been filed. This latest, House and Georgia Carry v. Kemp and Brackett, filed in the Superior Court of Union...
outlawed in canada shotgun choke

Canada Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘Assault-Style’ Gun Ban Outlaws Many Shotguns, Bolt Action Rifles

By Larry Keane Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is either devilishly stupid, or devilishly underhanded. With Canada’s Boy Wonder, sometimes the differences are difficult to discern. The Canadian head-of-state’s unilateral gun grab that bans 1,500 makes and models of modern...
Happy Independence Day bigstock

Retailers Reporting Pushback Against Social Distance Enforcers; Are We Headed for Independence Day 2.0?

Tensions are escalating across America as people have had enough of power-mad governors and state officials trying to enforce tyranny in the name of protecting people from a virus. If this continues through the...
Henry American Made firearms

It’s More Important Than Ever to Buy American Made Products

By Dan Clayton-Luce With the motto, “Made in America, Or Not Made At All,” it’s no secret that we at Henry are huge proponents of putting Americans to work making American products. From the genuine...
Senator Warren Demanding Women Veepstakes

Elizabeth Warren’s Veepstakes Tomahawk Missed the Target…Again

By Larry Keane U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) participated in Everytown’s gun control Veepstakes to join 2020 presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on the ticket. Biden’s gun control record is well known, but just like her...
Walters. V. Kemp

Georgia: Walters v. Kemp Injunction Denied

Yesterday, U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones, who had previously denied a preliminary injunction in the Carter v. Kemp lawsuit to temporarily override the state restriction on unlicensed carry outside the home, during the...
Canada prime minister trudeau

Oh Canada, Your Prime Minister Is Coming For Your Guns

By Larry Keane A line in the Canadian national anthem says, “God keep our land glorious and free!” Well today, Canada is less free. It would seem unthinkable in the United States, but our northern...

HR 5949, the NICS Data Integrity Act, Could Mean Endless Firearm Purchase Delays

Rep. Jimmy Panetta introduced Rep. Rashida Tlaib, (so you know this is going to be wonderful) co-sponsored H.R.5949, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Data Integrity Act of 2020 back...