Walters. V. Kemp

Georgia Carry Suit for TRO to Stop Enforcement of Carry Laws During COVID-19 Emergency...

Longtime Democrat and Obama appointee Judge Steve C. Jones, has denied a temporary restraining order in Carter v.Kemp in federal district court in Georgia. Sara Carter and Georgia Carry filed this lawsuit against Georgia Governor...
Virus Outbreak Protest Ohio

Governors Using Coronavirus Deaths to Restrict Constitutional Rights

By Therese Inacker Just as in the push for the more gun control laws, fear and emotion are used to overtake logic and Constitutional rights.  Liberal Democrat gun-grabbing governors around the country are dancing in the...
Canada Nova Scotia Shooting

Shooter Who Disguised Himself As A Cop Dead After Killing At Least 10 in...

By Rob Gillies, Associated Press A 51-year-old man went on a shooting rampage across the northern part of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia Sunday, killing at least 10 people, including a policewoman. Officials said...
WASHINGTON attorney general bob ferguson

50% of Attorneys General Confirm They Don’t Know How the Internet Works [VIDEO]

81 This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at...
handcuffs arrest crime

Lawful Civilian Gun Ownership, Enforcement of Existing Laws Mean Declining Crime Rates

By Elizabeth McGuigan Last week the Department of Justice hosted a series of three public hearings of The Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. NSSF learned that the nation’s top cops...
gun woods hike wilderness pistol holster

Proposed Rule Change Would Eliminate Written Permission Requirement for Guns on Army Corps Of...

The Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments on a notice of proposed rule-making that would make life easier for gun owners on 11.7 million acres of federal lands they manage. The Department of the...
Tuckery Carlson Phil Murphy civil rights

NJ Gov. Murphy Ignores Civil Rights While AG Grewal Enforces His Executive Orders

By Theresa Inacker New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy shockingly admitted that he did not consider the Bill of Rights when issuing his executive orders closing gun ranges, closing churches, closing parks and imposing other arbitrary...
lansing michigan protest whitmer

Americans Growing Impatient with Heavy-Handed Authoritarianism

America: The land of the free and home of the brave. But you would never guess that by how our nation has responded to a virus threat - even after the Armageddon the so-called experts...
US Constitution gun pistol revolver

NBC Cherry-Picks the Constitution, Accidentally Finds the Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. In response to President Trump asserting that...
background check graphic

Americans are Buying Guns. Lots and Lots of Guns

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released adjusted data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for March 2020 — and the figures were the highest for any month since record-keeping...
Prince Harry

Prince Harry to Stop Hunting, Shooting to Please His SJW Wife

Britain's Prince Harry chose to marry a dyed in the wool social justice warrior in actress Meghan Markle. After their marriage and the birth of their first child, she convinced him to relinquish his...
ar15 trigger AR-15 safe fire

Court Ruling: AR-15s Are Now Machineguns In Nevada…Apparently

I have written extensively on the subject of bump-fire stocks (or "bump-stock-type devices" (BSTD), as the ATF so charmingly refers to them), and why they matter beyond their suddenly being designated as "machineguns" or...