Virus Outbreak Law Enforcement Police

Why We Sued to Open New Jersey Gun Stores: 700 NJ Cops Test Positive...

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . Published reports that some 700 New Jersey police officers have tested positive for the coronavirus and are quarantined underscores the importance of the Second Amendment Foundation’s lawsuit...
Common Sense pills

There’s Nothing Common Sense About ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Laws

By MarkPA Gun control advocates speak constantly about “common sense gun laws.” The phrase runs trippingly off the tongue. Gun rights advocates respond that most existing gun laws, and all proposed laws, defy “common sense.” This phrase...
Closed gun store

Murphy Closed New Jersey’s Gun Stores Because of Hoplophobia, Not Public Health

By Theresa Inacker New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently used his personal dislike for the Second Amendment as justification for closing New Jersey gun shops during a national emergency. Governor Murphy unilaterally decided that gun...
Virus Outbreak Gun Sales Pennsylvania

The Gun Industry Steps Up During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Joe Bartozzi The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind for most. That’s certainly true for the firearm and ammunition industry. It has also revealed the character of who we are. We are an industry...
Biden lipstick on a pig

Fact-Checking CNN’s ‘Fact-Check’ On Joe Biden’s Gun Confiscation Plan

Following Joe Biden's finger-pointing tirade in which he called a Detroit construction worker a horse's ass when he dared to ask the candidate about his gun control agenda, the Biden campaign needed of some...
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo

How Far Will Would-Be Tyrants Get Before America’s Gun Owners Say ‘Enough’?

Politicians both left and right love to talk about how they support civil rights. But when some get their hands on power and an opportunity presents itself, they become heavy-handed, paternalistic tyrants. Yes, actions...
don't covid me gadsden flag

There Is No COVID-19 Exception In The United States Constitution

The FBI has wants FFLs to know that the current high gun buying volumes and shut-down-related background check delays extend the "Brady Transfer Date" hold time that dealers must observe when a purchase is...
gun buyback confiscation

Don’t Exploit the COVID-19 Emergency to Push the Anti-Gun TAPS Act

By Ryan Frasor As liberty minded Americans, the focus of our fight must always be on protecting the God-given rights of the individual. Now more than ever we must be on alert for the bad...
LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva

Anti-Gun Politicians’ Emergency Strategy: Release Inmates and Stop Firearm, Ammo Sales to Good Guys

Under orders from government officials, many local jails and state prisons across America are sending bad guys  -- allegedly non-violent offenders -- out into the community and not arresting some criminals. And all too...
hunter freezer meat share harvest

Now is the Time for Hunters to Share the Harvest

By Mark Oliva Hunters hunkering down through the COVID-19 quarantine might be tempted to look at their freezers full of butcher paper and shrink-wrapped wild game from last season and think this is exactly what...
J.B. Pritzker coronavirus guns

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gets it Right, Designates Gun and Ammunition Suppliers as Essential in...

From the Second Amendment Foundation: The Second Amendment Foundation applauds Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker for including firearm and ammunition suppliers on the list of “essential businesses and operations” that will remain open during the Prairie...
coronavirus gun sales

Welcome All the New Gun Owners Who Are Now Buying Firearms…But . . .

By Theresa Inacker People desperate to make a first time gun purchase are learning that it is not so easy. They are realizing that the anti-rights cadre, like Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun...