hog hunting handgun texas

3 Top Hog Hunting Handguns

Hog hunting may not be fresh and new - okay, nothing involving hogs is ever really fresh - but hunting them with handguns has taken a while to really gain traction (and even now...
Pro Gun Rally Virginia

HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation

Hank “Tippy” Johnson , noted loon and midget/giant cage match fan, has filed HR 5717 the Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 in the US House. It has everything a violence-enabling...
Coronavirus gun sales surge boom

Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge Demonstrates That Americans Want Firearms

By Larry Keane First, they came for hand sanitizer and bleach wipes. Then it was the toilet paper. Now, its guns and ammunition. Americans are lining up at local gun shops taking stock of their safety...
3d gun plans blue print

TTAG Exclusive: NSSF’s Court Actions Fight for Industry and Consumers

By Larry Keane After a decade-long effort led by NSSF, the transfer of export licensing of sporting and commercial firearm and ammunition products to the Commerce Department from the State Department is now completed. The...
Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders

Biden Repeats the Same Lies About Gun Manufacturer Liability…Again

By Larry Keane The first Democratic primary debate between the final two candidates found former Vice President Joe Biden repeating misleading claims about firearm manufacturers, and sadly it’s one of his favorite attack lines that he tees...
Coronavirus emergency order gun rights

State of Emergency Declarations Should Not Infringe on Americans’ Gun Rights

By CCRKBA The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms cautioned law enforcement agencies that the coronavirus emergency should not be an excuse to suspend the process required for the issuance or...
oleg volk holsters

Time To Make Sure You Tool Up Every Time You Leave the House

My Saturday morning trip to the local Walmart yesterday almost felt like I was on the set of a dystopian movie. At least it wasn't as bad as mid-day Thursday, when aisles loaded with...
Ghostly Gun

California’s Spooky ‘Ghost Gun’ Business at the Del Mar Gun Show

As we previously reported, a violence-enabling victim disarmer has made the absurd claim that 80% of the vendors at the Crossroads of the West Gun Show in San Diego County this weekend are selling...

Could the Public Health System Really Deal With ‘Gun Violence’?

By Mark PA Public health methods could have enormous power to mitigate the scourge of firearm mortality and morbidity. But only if faithfully applied. One of the earliest and most profound examples were Dr. John Snow’s actions...
under the bus

The Export Munitions List ‘Victory’: A Different Perspective

The National Shooting Sports Foundation declared victory in defeating a group of Attorneys General who challenged to Trump administration's relaxing of ITAR export rules. While that's well and good for the firearm's industry, they...

NYPD Saves The World…With An Airsoft Arrest

America's law enforcement do face risks everyday.  However, it seems a bit far-fetched to suggest that an airsoft gun or two wielded in a non-threatening manner poses a great danger to anyone. Days ago, the...
Biden angry second amendment

Biden’s Foul-Mouthed Response to a Defense of Second Amendment Rights

By Larry Keane Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign may want to stock up on the soap. It’s not contagion that should concern him, but the filth coming from his mouth. The frontrunning presidential candidate found...