bigstock feat flags guns

LA Times: Mass Shootings Could Totally Be Stopped With More Gun Laws

From the Bloomberg School of Public Health study that concluded "assault weapon" bans don't actually work to Dr. Garen Wintemute's finding that California's extensive gun control laws have done nothing to curb homicides or...
Bailey Nielsen AR-15 Idaho

Fred Guttenberg Adds A New Level Of Presumed Guilt to the Gun Control Playbook

I feel sorry for Fred Guttenberg for the loss of his daughter in the Parkland shooting, but even that bit of sympathy has been stretched thin by his demand that everyone else in the...
Bernie Sanders

Bernie is Either Ignorant, Uninformed, or Lying About Gun Laws in the U.S.

By Larry Keane Presidential contender U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is either straight-out lying, ignorant or seriously uninformed about gun laws in the United States. None of these is a viable qualification to set policy on...
Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg Has a Lot of Problems With the Constitution and Civil Rights

By Larry Keane Michael Bloomberg’s disdain for gun owners is well documented, but that didn’t stop him from reminding voters how he loathes the idea of Americans exercising freedom. Bloomberg, the billionaire presidential candidate for the...
national gun control confiscation

Gun Confiscations R Us: California County Proposes New ‘Gun Removal Team’

According to SFGate, a site that bills itself as the Bay City News Service, a proposal has been put forth by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to facilitate gun confiscation. Now, it's...
gun sale store counter

Gun Control Advocacy Masquerading as News, Utah Edition

In a recent article, Deseret News "reporter" Katie McKellar expresses her deep disappointment at the failure of three victim disarmament bills in the Utah legislature. And no, this isn't (intended to be) an opinion...
Joe Biden

As Biden Campaign Founders, He Goes After Gun Makers, 2A Rights

By Larry Keane With three early states completed and 47 primaries to go, the results look shockingly good for America’s most popular socialist millionaire U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and surprisingly bad for the former...
Carrie Nation Prohibition

Gun Control is the Modern Temperance Movement

By Theresa Inacker 100 years after Prohibition, it's still a doomed proposition There is an uncanny parallel between anti-gun rights groups like Moms Demand Action, which continually seeks more ineffective gun control laws, and the infamous women...
gun cleaning

Is it Legal to Clean Your Gun After Drinking? [VIDEO]

74 This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at...
computer hacker

Alabama’s Plan for a Centralized Concealed Carry Database Is A Very Bad Idea

Alabama state Representative Proncey Robertson is pushing House Bill 39, the Alabama Uniform Concealed Carry Permit Act. It would create a centralized state database of concealed carry permits under the control of Alabama State...
Rep. Mo Brooks

New House Bill Would Give Gun Owners Real Safe Passage Protection When Traveling With...

Last year, I wrote about a serious weakness in the "safe passage" provision in the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, which allowed states like New York to arrest innocent traveling gun owners for...
Austin home invasion shooting

Austin Homeowner Kills Two Home Invaders, Wounds One (When You Cut Through the Narrative)

By Rachel Malone Did you see the news about a recent home invasion and shooting in Austin? Here's the style in which it was reported: There was a shooting at a local apartment. Two people died, still...