Election 2020 Debate

2020 Democrats: Gun Groupthink and New Hampshire Brain Freeze

By Larry Keane Call it gun control brain freeze. The Democratic presidential candidates pained themselves into contortions on the New Hampshire debate stage last week in what was clearly symptomatic of sucking on the straw...
Jeff Cooper

Rule #5: Take the Shot

TTAG reader Cliff H writes . . . Colonel Jeff Cooper was a very smart man. He wrote a lot of books, had a storied career as a Marine Corps officer and established the Gunsite...
colorado magazine ban

JAMA on ‘Large Capacity’ Magazines: Diagnosis or Symptom?

By Robert B. Young, MD The December 18, 2020 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association included a Quick Uptake news article, “Large-Capacity Magaine Bans Linked With Fewer Mass Shootings, Deaths” (first online December 18)....
mark levine virginia assault weapon

Here are the Worst Provisions of the Bill Virginia Democrats Just Sent to the...

As we noted, the Virginia House Public Safety committee has passed HB 961. It was a substitute of the originally proposed bill that passed. The state site reports that it was "Reported from Public Safety...
Ralph Northam

Some Rural Virginia Democrats Not On Board With Gov. Northam’s Gun-Grabbing Plans

Virginia Governor Ralph "Blackface" Northam suffered another defeat Monday. Lost among news of the Democrats' disastrous Iowa Caucus fiasco, Old Dominion lawmakers blocked another of Northam's gun control proposals. Northam wanted to make it a...
Police officers red flag confiscation order

Tennessee’s Proposed Red Flag Law Would be the Worst in the Nation

"Red flag" confiscation laws are a legal abomination. By design, they deliberately eliminate due process protections by suspending an individual's Second Amendment rights without a hearing (at least one where the targeted gun owner...

In State of the Union Speech, Trump Affirms Commitment to Second Amendment Rights

By Larry Keane President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address held a key couple sentences that are reminding all Americans he stands squarely with protecting their Second Amendment rights. “Just as we believe in the...
iowa caucus debacle count vote

The Same People Who Can’t Count Votes Want National Gun Registration and Licensing

By Larry Keane Monday night’s Iowa Democratic Caucus has gone off about as smoothly as a sheet of 24-grit sandpaper. Only 71 percent of results were initially reported nearly two days after the caucuses were held and...

Bad Medicine: Gun Control Advocacy Doesn’t Stand Up to the Facts

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD Dr. Patrick Neustatter recently penned an op-ed for the Fredricksburg Star supporting typical “common sense” gun control legislation. I feel for my colleague because I too once believed the medical mythology that guns are bad...
sutter county sheriff barnes

California Sheriff Stands Up for Gun Owner Privacy in SF Chronicle Records Request

By Larry Keane If law-abiding gun owners needed another reason to be dubious of why their firearms ownership should be made public, the San Francisco Chronicle provided it. Fortunately, Sutter County Sheriff Brandon Barnes was strong...
mark levine virginia assault weapon

Virginia’s Mark Levine Can’t Define His Own Gun Ban Bill

By Larry Keane Virginia House Delegate Mark Levine would be amusing if he wasn’t so serious. The Democrat who represents portions of Alexandria, an area just a short row down the banks of the Potomac River...

Gun Control Law Compliance: Timing Is Everything

This post was been corrected on 1/30/20. I was unaware of Article IV, Section 13 of the Virginia state constitution. That provision specifies that laws passed "shall take effect on the first day of...