Maine Democrats Fail To Override Veto On AWB Measure

An effort by anti-gun lawmakers to overturn Maine Gov. Janet Mills’ veto of the state’s “assault weapon” ban legislation has failed. On Friday, the state Senate voted 18-16 to overturn the governor’s veto of LD...
Biden angry speech SOTU

Biden’s War on Gun Owners is Obvious

President Joe Biden’s relentless rebukes of the firearm industry and law-abiding gun owners isn’t just an infringement on our Second Amendment rights – it’s a calculated and well-financed attack on the fabric of American...

The Bladeless Swiss Army Non-Knife Shows Us The Future of Gun Control

When someone calls for "common sense" or "reasonable" gun control laws, the counter-argument is usually that such "reasonable" laws won't remain reasonable. The "common sense, reasonable" answer to that is gun people are being...

Maine: Anti-Gun Lawmakers To Make Last-Ditch Effort To Save AWB

Maine gun owners aren’t out of the woods yet concerning the proposed “assault weapons” ban pushed by anti-gun Democrat lawmakers this session.   While Gov. Janet Mills vetoed LD 2086 back on April 29, some in...

Crying Wolf: Criminals Claim Self-Defense, Too, But Cops, Prosecutors Not Buying It

While self-defense is a justifiable claim when a person is forced to literally protect themselves or others from imminent death or serious bodily harm from the hand of another, a person can’t just claim...
assault weapons ban semi-automatic firearms

Colorado AWB Dead—For Now

After being besieged by a number of anti-gun bills during this legislative session, Colorado gun owners have a big victory to claim for the Second Amendment. The Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on...
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

Iowa Adds Teeth To State Preemption Law

It’s no secret to TTAG readers that municipal officials in many cities—both large and small—are prone to concocting their own anti-gun schemes to infringe upon the rights of gun owners when visiting those cities....

Big Game Rifle Rundown for 2024

Rifle manufacturers came out strong this year with more than a score of new deer-worthy rifles. Here’s a quick rundown. Bergara MgMicro Lite   Bergara’s MgMicro Lite weighs a mere 5.8 lbs. and sports an 18-inch Cure...
gun tax money change

Colorado Senate Committee Approves Gun Tax Measure

A slightly watered-down version of Colorado Democrats' onerous gun tax bill was approved on Monday by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The version of HB 24-1349 passed by the committee would levy a 6.5% tax on...

Reagan Had it Right, Biden Not So Much

President Joe Biden said it again. Given another term, he’ll do gun control. This time, he’s grotesquely dismissive of the high price of freedom that has been paid with the lives of those who...

Can AI Give Us A Self-Defense Edge?

A couple weeks ago, reviews for a new wearable AI device started hitting the market. While the device reviews aren't great, they do give us a hint at the future of wearable technology. If...

Trump Will Address NRA Members In Dallas

Former President Donald Trump will speak to National Rifle Association members later this month at the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Dallas, Texas.   According to the association, his keynote speech set for May 18...