Illinois State Rep. Kathleen Willis Goes After ‘Gun Sanctuary’ Counties

Illinois' Queen of Gun Civilian Disarmament, Kathleen Willis, (above) loves herself some gun control. Never mind that Illinois' debt is near "junk" status in the bond markets. Or the fact that the Prairie State...

YouTube Cracks Down: All Gun Content Is Now Fair Game For Removal

YouTube has been on the warpath this month, removing gun content at record pace. On the bright side, they haven't been issuing "community guidelines strikes" like they did to me last time. Which is...

How We View People Carrying Firearms Depends On Who We Are

By MarkPA Each of us has opinions about whether others ought to have guns. These sentiments are very much cultural and often irrational. There are also sub-cultures who hold radically different sentiments even though they...

Concealed Carry on College Campuses Doesn’t Violate the Constitution

“I am pleased to see this two-year-old law upheld. Once again, opponents of campus carry have failed to provide evidence that campus carry makes college campuses less safe or inhibits the free exchange of...
JAMA junk science opioids guns second amendment

Big Medicine Junk Science Isn’t Just for Guns Any More

By Dr. Sean Brodale Mainstream medicine is at it again. Amazingly enough it is not about gun control, although it sounds remarkably familiar. The most recent article to grace the pages of the Journal of...

Sheriff Says Armed Staff Could Have Stopped Parkland Killer

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri has no great love for civilians with guns. In fact, at one time, he threatened to shoot first and ask questions later when it came to concealed carry licensees....
Kellie Collins Democrat Gun Control Murder

A Violent Gun Grabber, UK Gun Control in Action and an Unsecured Revolver —...

She ran on responsible gun regulation, now she's accused of killing her campaign treasurer Why are anti-gun leftists so violent? This one allegedly shot and killed her PAC treasurer. A former Georgia Congressional candidate has been...
End Family Fire

Ad Council Mis-Fires in New Campaign

By Stephen L. Sanetti The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence has teamed up with the Ad Council to launch “End Family Fire,” a new national multi-platform campaign they say is designed to promote safe...
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo First Amendment Second NRA Lawsuit Attack

Gov. Cuomo Rockin’ the NY Socialism Vibe by Targeting the NRA and Free Speech

The National Rifle Association, which has incurred “tens of millions of dollars in damages” from financial sanctions imposed by the state of New York, may potentially face an avalanche of additional penalties in anti-gun...

Coffee Carry? – Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Many of us wouldn't be caught dead without a cup of coffee in our hands for much of the day. But we're not sure we'd consider it part of our EDC gear. You?
Governor Andrew Cuomo New York NRA Lawsuit Suit

NY Gov. Cuomo Admits to Charges Alleged in NRA Lawsuit Against Him

You may have seen headlines over the past week screaming that the NRA is allegedly running out of money. You probably laughed and thought, how could the NRA be broke? It probably won't surprise you...

Shot Placement: Ink, Piercings, and Unnatural Hair, Oh My!

We're taking a slight departure from the world of hunting this week although technically this topic does apply to the hunting side of the industry. It’s simply an issue more prevalent on the tactical...