Two Gilchrist County (FL) Sheriff’s Deputies Shot To Death While Eating in Restaurant

Sgt. Noel Ramirez and Deputy Taylor Lindsey of the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Department were eating dinner in a Trenton, Florida Chinese restaurant last night when John Hubert Highnote, of Bell, Florida shot both of them through...

Gun Snob Confessions: These Red Dot Sights Really Are Kinda Awesome

Many shooters -- this one among them -- harbor a certain level of gun snobbery. We see anything too modern, anything too "tacticool" as a method of separating a lot of fools from their...
diante yarber

Diante Yarber Shooting May Become The Next Anti-Cop Rallying Cry, Whatever The Facts Are

"California police fired what sounded like more than 30 bullets at a packed car in a shopping store parking lot, killing a black father of three and injuring a young woman in the latest...

Perspective: Firearm Deaths Dwarfed By Tobacco, Diet, Booze

A TTAG reader who's currently serving in the military strolled into his base's dental clinic where he found this poster on the wall. It provides a healthy bit of perspective on the primary causes...

Wild Turkeys: Proof That the North American Wildlife Conservation Model Works

Despite the recent weather in the upper midwest this week, spring has officially sprung, and with it spring turkey season. It's the time of year that tens of thousands of people take to the...
david hemenway

NPR: Silly Americans, You’ll Never Use Your Gun for Self Defense

Why do gun owners bother buying with firearms? The odds are so far against any individual ever needing to use a gun for self-defense, it's insane to keep those dangerous things around where they...
Getty images photo via

What Will Dick’s Do With Those Rifles and Magazines They Won’t Sell? They’re Destroying...

Dick's Sporting Goods has announced plans to destroy the modern sporting rifles, magazines and accessories they pulled from their shelves in recent weeks. That's the word from a corporate spokesperson asked about pallets of...
YouTube's Crackdown On Firearms Has Guntubers Launching Their Own Platforms

The Race is On To Be the New, Dominant Gun Video Platform – Quote...

“We’ve been working very hard every day to save the gun tubing community. Whether it’s us or Gunstreamer or Full30, we really want one of the new websites to come up top … Whoever...
Vermont Governor Scott hears calls of betrayal and thanks as he signs gun bills

TTAG Daily Digest: Heckling the Governor, Disappointing the Base and a Lefty Gun Owner...

Scott hears calls of betrayal and thanks as he signs gun bills It takes a lot to get Vermonters riled up . . . Gov. Phil Scott hadn’t even reached the podium set up on the...

Redefining the Terms: Tactics Of The Modern Day Anti-Gun Movement

Reader Dave Dalton writes: There is a subtle yet effective tactic being used by the modern day anti-gun movement in the United States. One that probably flies under the radar of most citizens. Over the...

AP: High School Gun Clubs Teach Patience, Discipline, Responsibility

School shooting teams were common through most of the sixties. They suffered an enormous decline with the war on guns, beginning with the Gun Control Act of 1968, extending to the turn of the...

How Long Does NICS Keep Purchase Records?

The NICS has been the subject of much discussion lately thanks to the FixNICS bill, and mostly because the system clearly doesn't work as well as it should. Lots of gun owners worry that...