TTAG Daily Digest: Good Guys With Guns, ‘Gun Violence Research’ and It’s None of...

Americans want armed school guards and tighter gun laws: Reuters/Ipsos poll - It seems that America has come to believe that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a...
Chanze Nolan and Devonte Harris (courtesy

“Gun Violence” Never Happens in the UK. Except When It Does

"The court heard how, in September last year, were driven to Wellingborough in a rented white Golf to pick up a friend," reports, "and brought the loaded shotgun 'for no specific purpose.'...
Hurricane Katrina gun confiscation (courtesy

Abolish The National Firearms Act — Before It’s Too Late!

Wikipedia informs us that "The National Firearms Act imposes a statutory excise tax on the manufacture and transfer of certain firearms and mandates the registration of those firearms." Specifically, machine guns, short-barreled shotguns and rifles, and suppressors. The...
ruger carbines

1974 vs. 2018 Ruger Pistol Caliber Carbines Comparison [Video]

Ruger's new PC Carbine, reviewed here, is proving to be quite the hit. The market is eating up pistol caliber carbines -- PCCs -- these days. They even have their own division in a...

Guns for the Poor – Quote of the Day

"I don't know why the homeless are viewed as such a different type of people as the rest of us. I carry a gun with me all the time, and I don't victimize anyone....

City Of Miami Considers Challenge to Florida’s State Preemption Law

In the pre-Parkland world, Florida had a reputation for being one of the more accommodating states for gun owners. In fact our dead tree rivals at Guns & Ammo ranked The Gunshine State 12th...

Ruger to BlackRock: We’re Still Making AR’s and Smart Guns Suck

In a post-Parkland push to demonstrate corporate virtue and concern, mega money manager BlackRock let it be know that they'd been sending a batch of questions to all of the publicly traded gun manufacturers...

TTAG Daily Digest: The NRA’s Black Faces, Dick’s is Down and the 2A at...

Here’s why the NRA uses black faces in their anti-gun control campaigns– and why it’s suspect. - Pretty sure wants you to read that as blackface. Leading campaigns where they call themselves “freedoms safest...
Beto O'Rourke AR-15 Assault Weapons Ban

Texas Senate Candidate Beto O’Rourke: Ban AR-15 Rifles!

News flash: Texans love their guns. By one estimate, there are about 22 million privately owned firearms here in the Lone Star State. So you'd think that any candidate running for office here would...
National School Walkout

Here’s What Wednesday’s National Student Walk-Out Wimps Want

According to a wimp is "a person without strength of character." So yeah, the students walking out of school tomorrow at 10 a.m. local time, for 17 minutes -- one minute for each of...
Australian gun confiscation (courtesy

Gun Rights Supporters Are Losing The War on Guns . . . Here’s Why

Reader Cliff M. writes: Folks, the era of simply donating money to pro-Second Amendment organizations to preserve our Constitutional rights is over. If you've been living under a rock, let me be the first to inform...
Rick Scott

Florida Governor Rick Scott and the 7-10 Split

March 9th, 2018, a date which will live in infamy. You see, I never thought I would live to see it happen, but it's happening. I'm not talking about Donald Trump as president, the...