NRA Sues Florida Over New Gun Control Law

Less than an hour after Florida Governor Rick Scott -- who also happens to be running for the US Senate -- signed the "Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act" into law yesterday,...
Motorcyclist with skeleton bandana (courtesy

A Funny Thing Happened at My Daughter’s Middle School . . .

I was picking up my 14-year-old from her middle school. As we walked to the car, a Harley-riding motorcyclist came burbling into the parking lot. He was wearing sunglasses and a skeleton-face bandana...
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder courtesy AP

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Gets Behind ‘Extreme Risk Protection Orders’

A reader who prefers to remain anonymous writes: Above the fold headlines in both Gongwer and MIRS today suggest that RINO Rick Snyder is launching an intense effort to secure passage of Representative Robert Wittenberg’s...

A Modest Proposal Concerning Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart and All the Rest

Uproar has ensued since Dick's Sporting Goods announced they would no longer sell guns to customers under the age of 21. They would furthermore no longer carry AR-15 pattern rifles (or any other similar...
Shooting while pregnant (courtesy

Guns and “The Right to Life”

Anti-abortion advocates call themselves "Pro-Life." They insist that a fetus has a "right to life." There's more than a little debate on that point, but not at . . . Check out Trumpcare's Rx: Unwanted...

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Drop Safe EDC?

I misread Ray M's pocket dump I thought he'd listed his occupation as Overnight Stalker. He's actually an Overnight Stocker. What he stocks is unknown. But gun dealers who stocked the SIG SAUER P320...

Internet Censored Gun Industry Moving to VERO Platform. Wrong Answer?

The anti-free speech and anti-gun social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube have been going on a censorship rampage lately. Firearms-related Youtube channels are being shut down. Here is the message Youtube sent Tim...
Full Conceal foldable firearm

Simple Common Sense on Guns? Quote of The Day

“In general, as a family man, if a bad guy surprised me at gun point to rob me, even if I had a loaded concealed gun, I would just drop my wallet and run....
Victoria Mejia (courtesy

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Gun Control Teen’s Editorial: Ban “Assault Rifles,” Kill FOPA, Create National...

This generation 'will not be silent ever again' the headline at proclaims. Is that a threat or a promise? Yes! And after much self-righteous victim card-waving petulance, five Florida teenagers -- only one of...
Justin Haskins (courtesy

The Most Ridiculous “Pro-Gun” Proposal In the History of the United States. So Far...

To Preserve Gun Rights, We Must Replace the Second Amendment is the headline topping an essay by's Justin Haskins. Need I say any more? I don't need to. But I sure want to ....

Five Ways to Reuse Spent Cartridges

Where there's smoke, there's fire -- where there's gunfire, there will be spent casings. Okay, so not in all cases, but the vast majority of firearms leave you with an empty cartridge casing after the...
10 Leading causes of death (courtesy

“Gun Violence” in Perspective

First and foremost, my heart goes out to the families of victims of gun violence. I am in no way trying to belittle their deaths. That said, I notice something and I am sure...