maine state house capital

Maine Red-Flag Bill Advanced For Floor Vote

A legislative committee in Maine has approved the restrictive “red-flag” measure, sending the bill to both the House and Senate floors for an upcoming vote. Despite testimony by many against the measure, including an impassioned...

Parents Receive Lengthy Prison Sentences For Son’s School Shooting

Are the parents of mass murderers criminally responsible for the behavior of their violent, unstable kids? Apparently, in Michigan they are, as the parents of the 15-year-old student who shot and killed four and injured...
Ruger 22 Charger

Ruger 22 Charger Review

A logical extension of the Ruger 10/22 lineup, the 22 Charger is a reduced-size pistol variant, clearly looking to appeal especially to those interested in a braced version or a stocked SBR version. Ruger's continuing...

Justice Department to Challenge Ruling on Rights of Illegals to Possess Firearms

Politics, and now court rulings, it seems certainly make for strange bedfellows. In a move most conservatives and pro-gun organizations likely agree with, Biden’s Justice Department will challenge a recent court decision affirming the...
Aiming a gun toward the sky

Missouri House Attempts to Outlaw Stupid

Not sure if this one slid under the radar or we just missed it, but back in late February, mere weeks after a high-profile shooting during the Super Bowl celebration parade for the Kansas...

Bias Against Guns Continues Its AI Spread

If you can’t change the facts, change the public’s perception of the facts. Anti-gun politicians whose constituents express concerns about crime and public safety respond with the narrative that it’s a gun problem rather than...

No One Likes Biden…On Guns or Much Else

President Joe Biden and his re-election campaign team oddly continue to make his “successes” on “gun violence” a top messaging priority as the 2024 campaign begins to ramp up. At speeches, the president bellows...

“Red-Flag” Bill On The Move In Maine

We’ve told you how lawful gun owners in Maine are under a relentless attack by gun-ban advocates who are using a mass murder in Lewiston last fall to push forward a number of infringements. The...

Despite Ineffectiveness, Chicago Holds More “Buyback” Charades

As most Truth About Guns readers are likely aware, so-called gun “buybacks” have proven ineffective at curtailing violent crime. But that doesn’t stop cities, counties and other government entities from continuing to hold these...

Idiocracy: Colorado Pushes California-Style Laws to Limit Civil Liberties and Public Safety

Spearheaded by Democratic lawmakers, a suite of nine anti-gun bills has been proposed in the state of Colorado, marking a shaper turn to California-style politics and views, that will severely harm the quality of...
Joe Biden Gun Pose

Americans Disapprove Of Biden On Guns—And Most Other Issues

If you thought Americans strongly disapproved of the way President Joe Biden’s economy is working out, you ought to see what people think of the way he has handled the gun issue. According to a...

Guest Column: Mexico Grows Bolder Thanks to Weak American Leadership & Laughable Courts

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thinks he can do no wrong. After all, U.S. federal courts are turning over sovereignty to the Mexican head of state at the same time he’s issuing ultimatums...