Springfield and Rock River Illinois Sell-Out: Picking up the Pieces

The news of Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms selling Illinois gun dealers and gun owners down the river continues to spread among The People of The Gun. As it should. For those who missed...

Gun Owners! Don’t Get Arrested for This!

More than a few members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia stash guns around the home (rather than home carry). As a Second Amendment absolutist, I'm not prepared to tell any American what guns they can...

Question of the Day: Do You Know Any Gun Registration Scofflaws?

Heres's a bulletin: some Chicagoland Democrats look upon gun owners as scary, deplorable people. As such, it shouldn't surprise anyone that here in the Land o' Lincoln, we have gun owner registration. In other...

National Reciprocity Gets More Ink, But Passage Is Unlikely…For Now

Yahoo News teased a favorable article on national concealed carry reciprocity that ran at Al-Jazeera US. Gun rights activists have sought national reciprocity for some years now. Under President Obama, a sure veto precluded serious...

Random Thoughts About the DOJ Payout to Pulse Victims

After Sandy Hook, when Congress was considering "universal background checks," Joe the Plumber declared "Your dead kids don’t trump my constitutional rights." The comment, painfully true, played right into the hands of gun control advocates....

Proposed Executive Order Designating Certain Rifles for ‘Militia Purposes’

The faulty Fourth Circuit decision issued last week upholding Maryland's Scary Gun Ban runs afoul of good jurisprudence. The ruling found that Second Amendment protections don't extend to individuals who wish to own certain semi-automatic...

It’s Complicated: My Love – Hate Relationship With Guns

Confession time: I hated guns since I was a small girl. While I'd never had a negative experience with a gun, my dad’s younger brother committed suicide via gunshot to the head when he...

Weingarten: NRA Ballot Amendment Will Diminish Members’ Power

I've been pleased with the direction the NRA has taken in the last decade. As an organization, they're more protective of our rights than they were in the 1980's and 1990's. Before 1976, the...

TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia Sound Off on Civil War

On Valentine's Day, I wrote how last fall’s election results spurred the hard left into mounting an insurrection of sorts.  In fact, in 'Will the Left's Civil War Turn Deadly?' I described it as a civil...

Will The Left’s Civil War Turn Deadly?

Last fall's election results spurred this “revolution” from those on the hard left. Non-violent "revolutionaries" took to the streets and college campuses, to shout down alternative views and undermine our new president’s administration. They show...

BATF Memo Seeks To Preserve Gun Control

On Monday Nick Leghorn wrote about an internal memo that highlights some proposed pro-gun moves by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The policy change proposals in the internal "white paper" stand as good...

Random Thoughts About Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration and Gun Control

Speaking on NPR's Morning Edition, career foreign service officer and former acting undersecretary for arms control Tom Countryman (above) explained why President Trump's temporary travel ban is dangerously wrong-headed. According to the ex-career civil servant,...