Guest Column: Mexico Grows Bolder Thanks to Weak American Leadership & Laughable Courts

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thinks he can do no wrong. After all, U.S. federal courts are turning over sovereignty to the Mexican head of state at the same time he’s issuing ultimatums...

Faxon’s Guide to the Rifle Barrel Profile: Choose What’s Right For You

Faxon Firearms, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based manufacturer of rifle and pistol components and complete firearms is working to educate gun owners, specifically AR fans, about the importance of different rifle barrels and the considerations that...

Jesus & Guns: What Might the Lord Have to Say About Gun Ownership?

As today marks Good Friday for the Christians among us (and simply Friday for everyone else as I was reminded by one irate Jewish coworker years ago at NRA when I mistakenly wished her...
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

Virginia And Washington: A Tale Of Two Governors

In the same week that Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed 30 measures that would have greatly curtailed the rights of lawful Virginians, all the way across the country a much different scenario was unfolding. On...

Toronto Cops: Save Your Own Life By Making Life Easier For Armed Criminals

What’s a homeowner to do when there’s a spate of home break-ins by armed assailants? If you’re in Toronto, apparently the best advice police can give you is give up your car to avoid being...

What Was the Best Combat Handgun of World War 2?

Rivers of ink have been spilt over that simple query: what was the best combat handgun used in WW2? With virtually the entire planet aflame, each combatant country threw their everything into military production....
banshee 9mm pistol

FPC Files Response Brief In Pistol Brace Lawsuit

The battle over the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) rule redefining braced pistols as “short-barreled rifles” placing them under the National Firearms Act continues in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Most recently, the Firearms Policy...
red flag laws gun violence restraining order

The Problem with Red-Flag Laws

This past weekend our nation's Vice President Kamala Harris visited the site of one of our nation's worst school shootings to use it and some of the victims' family members as political props to...
NRA Headquarters

NRA on the Offensive in First Amendment Case Against NY as They Head to...

The NRA is once again going to the legal mat with the State of New York, but this time it is the State that is on the defensive. The fight is moving to the...
ar-15 pistol

Colorado Gun-Banners Push Multiple Bad Measures  

As anti-gun Colorado lawmakers continue to try to make their state the “California East,” gun owners find themselves facing a number of restrictive proposals that would severely infringe upon their right to keep and...
Friday weekly gun law roundup

Making a Case for True Natural Rights for All in Second Amendment Argument

A recent federal court ruling has stirred up controversy. While that happens all the time, this one is special because it's got the gun rights community divided. The big rub? The question of whether...

Biden Signs Pro-Gun Bill…Well, Not Exactly

One of the strangest, and probably worst ways some laws are passed in our system, is when a politician adds a rider or provision they know their colleagues across the aisle oppose onto a...