Reader: It’s Time to Arm EMTs and Fire Fighters

Reader Nadra Enzi writes: As respect for police devolves, it isn't outlandish to consider issuing protection to EMTs and firefighters. It's no longer a given that their status as unarmed life savers negates targeting by...

Boch: Reagan Armed Freedom Fighters, Obama and Hillary Armed Jihadis, or Why You Should...

When I was a younger man, I remember when then-President Ronald Reagan got called on the carpet for arming freedom fighters in Nicaragua. Reagan armed men and women fighting to overthrow the communist government...

Gold and Guns and the End of the World as We Know It

A TTAG reader writes: I was thinking today about owning gold. I bought a St. Gaudens $20 coin in 1989. Total cost: $1695 including a $300 commission. Today, I checked with several dealers and was...

Devon Martes’ Mother: Cops Did What They Had To Do

52 Devon Martes was shot and killed by a Jefferson Parish Sheriff deputy last week. You cannot help but feel sympathy for his mother, a woman who has lost two of her five sons in...

My Florida Vacation…And Why I Chose Not to Carry a Gun

By Ryan McBeth I’m a liberal and I own a handgun. There, I said it. I didn’t burst into flame. I don’t have a sudden urge to repress a homosexual, pay women less for the...

Man Shot in Cleveland for Supporting Trump

Paul Jones Jr. had not yet begun to fight when he was unceremoniously shot in the leg simply for voicing his pro-Trump-for-President opinion. We've had no shortage of discussion here at TTAG here about...

AP’s Misleading Headline: “Man who shot sleeping intruder . . . “

The above headline must be one of the most misleading that I've seen. It comes from the Associated Press, aided and abbetted by the AP leading sentence. From the BEND, Ore. (AP) - The man...

As We Move Into Space, Guns Are Sure to Go With Us

96 Reader Philip M. Greeley writes: So, I'm thinking about two of my favorite topics, guns and space. The latter as in human space exploration, which we're really, I think, on the cusp of some really...

It’s Time for Common Sense Speech Safety Laws

Reader LikeFrankConstanza writes: I’m a huge supporter of the First Amendment, but...we need more sensible controls on First Amendment freedoms and Americans' access to speech. Seriously? Oh yes, seriously. America is more divided today than at any other...

TTAG Reader: The Problem is In the Hearts of Men

TTAG reader Barry Gales writes in our comment section : I am a young black male from St.Louis, MO and this is what I put on my Facebook page. I’m just going to put it...

Twice Is Nice: Can You Reload Cartridges With Previously Fired Bullets?

It seems I can’t walk out my door these days without getting into some sort of nonsense argument over bullets or cartridges. Granted, I do start some of those arguments, but the latest one...

California’s Competing Ammunition Control Regulations: “Heads They Win – Tails You Lose”

Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law SB 1225. It's a lengthy, extremely restrictive law regulating the sale of ammunition in California. It's so restrictive that it might not hold up in court. Challenges...