Keep and Bear THAT! Just Thought I’d Leave It Here

16 "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Random Thoughts About the Media’s Fascination with “Gun Violence” Victims

17 In the above video, Jennifer Hill share three encounters with "gun violence" with WTNH. Her advice to other victims in the Live Free or Die state? Don't be a victim! Carry a gun to...

Just Because Banning Guns for Americans on the Secret Terrorist Watch List is Popular...

I'm not all that old. But I never imagined I'd live to see so many protests, petitions and petulant politicians demanding the removal of Americans' constitutional rights. Democrats couldn't manage destroy citizens' rights and freedoms with poorly...

Three Things A Gun Control Advocate Must NEVER Do

47 Gun control advocates are dedicated to the cause of civilian disarmament. They cling to their anti-gun jihad with frightening fervor. As their crusade flies in the face of facts, history and common sense, maintaining their...

When Advocating For Freedom And Gun Rights, Expect To Be Threatened

Social media has been a cesspool of anti-gun rhetoric lately, and it's mostly coming from those of the left. But, if you're like me, and advocate for complete gun rights freedom, you're open to...

A Veteran Writes: Defend the Constitution!

Ragnar Danneskjöld writes: I am a veteran. I spent most of my adult life serving to protect this great nation, these United States of America. I have made many sacrifices, suffered hardships and put my...

Why I Own the Same Gun The Pulse Nightclub Terrorist Used to Murder 49...

Let's not mince words. I own an "assault rifle" because I fear my government. I'm afraid that the government -- a self-serving alliance of politicians, bureaucrats and law enforcement officers -- will take away my liberty at the...

Random Thoughts on Responsibility for The Pulse Nightclub Massacre

33 I'm not responsible for the killing spree at Pulse nightclub in Orlando that claimed 49 lives and injured 53 patrons. I did not organize, plan, aid or abet the murderer. I'm not responsible for "fostering...
The truth about 6.5 ammo

The Truth About 6.5mm Ammo

Ask anyone. Look on internet forums or in print magazines. Strike up a conversation at your local gun store. You'll hear it everywhere: the 6.5mm family of rounds are like a mystical laser beam. Efficiency? Lethality? The...

Why Has Mass Killing Ratcheted-Up During the Obama Regime?

Spree killings are rare. There have been a cluster of them during President Obama's terms in office. There are good reasons for that. But let's start with this, there are two types of mass killing. The...

Media Spin Furiously To Downplay Terrorist Motivations of Orlando Jihadi

One of the notable aspects of yesterday's horror in Orlando was the speed with which authorities identified the attack at Pulse nightclub as an act of terror. After the San Bernardino murders, it took...

ShootingTheBull410: A Modest Proposal to Prevent Firearms Confiscation

TTAG's resident ammo tester ShootingTheBull410 writes: "In the run-up to the next presidential election, guns are a liberal talking point. And here's what they're saying: 'Nobody is trying to take away your guns.' So . ....