Gun Control Advocates Are Cowards

I've made numerous attempts to engage gun control advocates in open debate over the years. After a brief Twitter battle with Brady Campaign campaigner Colin Goddard, I invited the Virginia Tech shooting survivor to continue...

HuffPo’s Weisser: Kid Stealing Gun PSA Tells “The Truth About Guns”

I recently ripped the Huffington Post's pet firearms enthusiast a new you-know-what. My post The Truth About Mike “The Gun Guy” Weisser slated the anti-ballistic Bay Stater for telling doctors to warn patients not to keep a gun in the...

Americans Can Solve This Equation: Armed + Prepared = Smart

Robert recently stirred up considerable controversy over the request that readers comment on the differences in the Democrat and Republic approaches to Second Amendment liberties. There is no question that some with generally "progressive"...

Are You Putting the Second Amendment at Risk?

This article originally appeared at It's republished here with permission. By Jeff Siegel I'm not sure what's worse … left-wing anti-gun zealots or irresponsible gun owners. As an unapologetic supporter of the Second Amendment, I have no...

Carbine vs. Rifle Defined?

If I imagine a world in which I am subjected to sleep deprivation by the CIA and then clubbed in the head by a rifle followed by another thump with a carbine, given five...

Would a Lawful Gun Culture Have Saved Tamir Rice’s Life?

Tamir Rice, a 12 year old African American boy in Cleveland was shot dead by police who failed to recognize that the gun the boy had was a BB gun. As tragic as this...

One Mother’s Thoughts on Gun Control

This article originally appeared at and is republished with permission. By Heather Marchese “When someone accumulates more than 40 violations of law in mere minutes to perpetrate unimaginable horrors upon others, there are no laws that...

RF’s Counterpoint to USA Today’s Pro-GVRO Editorial

USA Today thinks California's newly-enacted gun violence restraining orders are a wonderful idea. Because mainstream media. When they wanted an opposing view to run alongside theirs, though, they asked RF to contribute a piece expressing the views of...

GamerGate, Gun Control and the Common Theme

I am, and continue to be, a massive nerd. I spent my college years enjoying LAN parties and staying up all night for the latest video game releases rather than going out to frat...

Will You #GUNVOTE? (Plus WA Ballot Initiative 594)

With midterm elections only a couple weeks away... actually, scratch that, more than a million Americans have already cast their midterm ballots. In fact, I received my Washington State absentee ballot in the mail...

Random Thoughts About Criminal Justice, Guns and Racism

"At least three other times during the period studied by The Star, charges of possession by a serious violent felon were dropped against someone who later was charged with a gun-related homicide. All three...

So You Think We Don’t Have a National Gun Registry . . .

A former police officer who prefers to remain anonymous writes . . . For those readers of this site who believe a firearms registry already exists, this won't be a surprise. For those who have...