The British View Of America and the NRA

The decline of American journalism since the legacy media decided to stop so much as pretending to be non-partisan tellers of truth and became proud and wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party, has been...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Don’t Believe Everything You Read in the Papers Edition

By Courtney Daniels The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He's a cowboy and...

Knives vs. Guns: Deadly Distance

April 9, 2014: at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville, PA, a 16-year old male student stabbed 19 fellow students and one adult, leaving four in critical condition. A 16-year-old boy was charged Wednesday after...

Question of the Day: Do You Like Spotting Gun Errors in Movies?

Last week I watched Killing Them Softly, which stars Brad Pitt as a hit man and it was about as enjoyable as some light water boarding. While I can't get that hour-and-a-half of my life...

On Respect for the Law and Respectable Laws

If we are to live in peace in a nation of laws, two things must happen. 1) Citizens must respect and obey the law, and 2) governments must make and enforce respectable laws. Every...

Non-Pro Tip: Measuring Group Size Better

A couple days ago RF posted a "Pro Tip" from Ammoland on measuring shot group size. I'm not a pro, but I took exception to some of the assertions in that write-up. After I...

On the Difference Between Feeling Safe and Being Safe

Whenever gun control advocates make their pitch for adding still more firearms-restricting laws to the books, there's one theme that they continually use to wrap their agenda in: safety. They want to make the...

How ATF’s Electronic NFA Form System is Ruining my Business

This is not an exaggeration. Our federal regulators have a site that is designed to handle NFA transactions electronically, and it's failing miserably and nobody seems to know why it's barely operational. As of...

The Truth About Gun Trusts…and How Attorneys Lie to Get your Money

This is a sore subject that many people don't see eye-to-eye on, but as someone who has regular interaction with customers who practice law on behalf of the public and private interest - this...

The Democratization of Violence: A [Very] Short History of The Modern Gun

Dr. Stephen Wardlaw of writes: A few years ago I was at a cocktail party here in the North East, talking to an obviously liberal type. Someone mentioned to him my interest in guns. His...

Guns, Girls, Glamour and Boat Loads of Cash. Good for the Cause?

"My greatest fear is that someone will break in and I won't be able to decide what gun to shoot them with." Dan Bilzerian has a good time. And he has quite the gun...

Confessions of a 2A Non-Absolutist

Folks who've read some of my prior articles know that I don't always toe the 2A line as much as some of the other contributors to this site. It's ironic, some might say, given...