Universal Background Checks Will Increase Spree Killing

  Spree killers are an incredibly rare. Other than the fact that they tend to be white males, they share a single unifying characteristic: they're nuttier than a fruitcake. Both the NRA and the civilian disarmament...

The Lesson Passover Teaches Us About Gun Control

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqCTq3EeDcY I may have been born into a Roman Catholic family, but growing up around New York City means that a lot of your friends aren't. So every year for Passover I spent the evening...

Wayne LaPierre Whiffs on Meet The Press

My favorite thing about this video is Biden's speech claiming that "not one" thing in the proposed legislation would infringe on people's second amendment rights. "This is not about anybody's constitutional right to own...

Even After All This, We’re Still Winning

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBHkMADXnOw As the People of the Gun emerge from the winter of our discontent, it's time to take a look at the big picture. Only six months ago, I foolishly thought the gun rights war...

The Hidden Cost of Newtown

  Last year, I was looking to open a state-of-the-art gun range. The cops were on board. And why not? The Providence po-po need a world-class training facility (i.e., one that doesn't close in winter)...

Renewing My FFL03: FINALLY!

  I was about to start a betting pool as to whose gun related issue would clear first: my FFL troubles or RF's Caracal recall. Too late: I "won." After 339 days, my new FFL03...

Ex-Gun Control Advocate Goes to NY SAFE Act Rally

By Kephra Rubin, reprinted with permission. About eight or nine years ago I was an anti-gunner. I thought guns were for cowards and I encouraged the gun bans. I could list statistics, but they’re readily...

Audrey Gibson: Mandatory Anger Management Before Buying Ammo

A Florida state senator has recently introduced a bill that seeks to end the "plague" of "gun violence" by requiring anyone who wants to buy ammunition to first take an anger management course. There's...

It’s Time to Join (or Rejoin) the NRA

One of the more contentious topics here on TTAG concerns the NRA, its mouthpiece, Wayne Lapierre and some of the positions it takes (or doesn't) on various issues. I'm not here to try to...

Debunking the “No One Wants to Take Your Guns” Myth

When I'm arguing with my mother about gun control (she, being a stereotypical Westchester county New York Democrat) there's a normal progression of events. First, she hears something on the news (like Bloomberg pontificating...

CNN’s “Plan B” Gun Control Piece: Lies, Misinformation and Newspeak

  David Frum wrote an article published by CNN on how - gasp! - President Obama might not have the votes needed to pass the kind of gun control reforms that he wants. To hear...

Foghorn’s Proposals for New Gun Control Laws and Regulations

We've heard about what the Democrats want in terms of new gun control laws ad nauseum. And to be honest, I'm not that impressed. In fact the proposals - whether in Congress or individual...