SAF Investigates: The Truth About Florida State Guard’s Special Operations Unit

Founders want to create similar special operations units across a coalition of states, which would not be subject to federal oversight or presidential authority. This scares the Feds and the legacy media. When Florida Gov....

A Better Headset and Prescription Lenses Greatly Improved My VR Training

A few weeks ago, I reviewed AceXR's VR firearms training system, and was very impressed. For those who like to incorporate VR in their firearms training, today's VR systems have really good motion tracking,...

Why They Want People To Be Angry

A recent opinion piece at the Kansas City Star tells us: "We don’t have to accept the KC Chiefs rally shooting. And we should all be angry" While this may look on the surface like...

Taiwan Will Not Survive Unless Interior Ministry Starts Issuing Gun Permits

Amid controversy over funding for border security, Ukraine and Israel, one item in the mix that's getting less attention is Taiwan. Because there's not an active war between the Republic of China government on the...

Dem Conspiracy or Technical Glitch? While ATF eForms Remains Down Theories Swirl

Maybe from a lifetime of being under siege, most gun guys love a good conspiracy theory and will even go as far as suggesting conspiracies are behind most of what gets jacked up in...
2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry

Louisiana Constitutional Carry Bill To Be Heard In House Committee Today

Today is the day that the Louisiana House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee will debate the constitutional, or “permitless,” carry measure being considered in the state legislature. The measure, Senate Bill 1, was passed by...

Silencer Central Banish Backcountry First Shots

The popularity of mounting a suppressor on a hunting rifle has grown with quantum leaps over the past two decades. The secondary benefit of a suppressor—hearing protection—seems to be the prevailing driver behind the...
Wayne LaPierre

Anti-Gunners Self Own When Celebrating LaPierre’s Loss

For those of us who follow gun news, it's well-known that the NRA has been a corrupt organization for a long time and that the problem has grown worse over time. Self-serving "leaders" wasted...
defensive gun use

We Need To Respect Gun Rights Despite Fears Of Foreign Agents

In the last few days, I've been seeing a story pop up on social media and on gun forums, telling us that Chinese military personnel have invaded the United States and are...

Big Horn’s AR500 Is A T-Rex Thumper

“I like big guns and I cannot lie…” It’s funny, need I say strange, the things that can run through a writer’s mind when trying to start an article… for some reason a remix of...

How VR Can Help Erode Gun Control Globally

There's a concept in international relations called "nuclear latency." In short, this refers to countries that are "a screwdriver's turn away" from possessing nuclear weapons. They have the materials, the technology and the data...

The Elite Hate You and Me But We Can Still Fight Back

America’s elites hate the little people. These wealthy and powerful people hold everyday Americans in utter contempt. In fact, it’s almost like they want to take us back to the Stone Age when it...