Obama Killed More People in 2011 Than “Assault Weapons”

You read that right. I've been working on a series of comparisons to other means of unnatural death to give some perspective to the number of "assault weapons" deaths, and the commander-in-chief eliminated, via...

Mandatory Firearms Insurance is Racist

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB3oEHzakOw I was reading over the new gun control proposals from California, and the one that stuck out to me as the most infuriating was the requirement for all firearms owners to carry liability insurance....

Wait. Don’t We Already Have Gun Control?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtqHLBWaMPg NRA Board member Ted Nugent was uncharacteristically subdued last night on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight. Coherent, too. When Morgan pointed out that America already has 50 gun control laws, Ted asked "What makes...

Gun Tweet of the Day: Half Cocked Edition

The famously anti-war former Congressman from Tejas took to the Twitters to, apparently, imply that a decorated serviceman who served four tours of duty for his country -- picking off insurgents, thereby saving the...

Price Gouging and the Consequences of Elections

On election day in 2012, I stood out in the cold handing out literature for the GOP candidate for Missouri’s attorney general. I was shivering next to a young man decked out in a...

Mayor Bloomberg: the M1 Tank Fires Nuclear Bombs

This is the kind of thing that pisses me off: Michael Bloomberg displays his complete ignorance about something on national television and no one calls him out. Hey Mikey! Hey Anderson! U.S. tanks fire...

No One Really Cares About Gun Violence in the US

By Kyle "So what . . . do you want to do nothing about gun violence?" Actually, I absolutely want the nation to take steps to reduce gun violence. But the only time I ever hear...

Guns, Cars and Knives: A Question of Balance

A friend of mine posted her status on FaceBook recently after having the pleasure of visiting the great city war zone that is Oakland, California. "Man! The Streets of Oakland are Mean!" Her statement...

The Second Amendment, the First and Yelling Fire in a Crowded Theater

Every time I get into an argument with people about the Second Amendment, they inevitably bring up the idea that the rights enshrined within the Bill of Rights have limits. And the one thing...

The Art of [Amidsthe] Noise: Assault Spatula?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2riOiBaZrg I'm developing a serious man crush on amidsthenoise. There's something to be said for presenting solid facts in a calm and even tone, using that rule of thirds to its fullest extent.

NY Times’ “Keeping Guns Away from Children” is Pure Propaganda

  This Sunday, the New York Times ran an article entitled "Keeping Guns Away From Children." It argued for civilian disarmament based on firearms-related deaths of "children." Why did I put children in quotation marks? Glad...

Close the Handcuffed Cop Loophole

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRforhAoA3Y How come we never see movies where characters (or their straw purchasers) go through a proper NICS background check before obtaining a firearm? To be fair, the gun shop owner in Terminator did tell the cyborg...