Quick History Lesson On Gun Control

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlzZyoHILa0 While the Nazi uniform in the background is, uh, interesting, this guy makes a lot of sense.

Gun Control Doesn’t Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

For as long as I’ve been alive the social elitist has been floating the term “Gun Control." The first serious or official use of the term in the U.S. came from “Gun Control Act...

Random Thoughts About Sandy Hook, Racism and The Geography of Gun Control

"A House Democrat is pushing a package of gun reforms that a recent poll indicates are popular among members of the National Rifle Association (NRA)," thehill.com reports. "Representative Jim Moran (D-Va.) said the legislation...

New York Newspaper Publishes List of Concealed Carry Permit Holders Names, Addresses

In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, newspapers in New York state have run off the rails on the crazy train. Case in point is an article published by The Journal News'...

Wayne LaPierre Has to Go

  There's a scene in The Godfather when Michael Corleone turns to his adopted brother Tom Hagen and tells him that it's time for him to step aside. Michael needs a "wartime consigliere" and Tom's...

Arguing Gun Control with New York Mothers

Much like the noble salmon returns to its spawning grounds (no matter how fetid), I'm currently back in the New York City area to visit the folks. Shortly after I landed I was in a...

It’s Time for Common Sense Media Control

Since we are talking gun control in the wake of Sandy Hook, how about we talk a little media control? The Sandy Hook murderer was a disturbed young man, but being disturbed doesn't mean...

One Gamer’s Take on NRA’s Speech

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3tedlWs1XY The following was written by TTAG Contributor ST: As a young guy who shamelessly plays his roommate's Xbox 360, I'd like to offer these words to put Wayne LaPierre's speech into some context, as already I'm seeing...

“Debating” Anti-Gunners. It’s Getting Ugly Out There

  I’m an NRA-certified firearms instructor, a concealed carry instructor, an avid shooter, and just an all-around gun guy. My friends, coworkers and acquaintances all know this. Generally, this is a non-issue. In fact, I’ve...

Note to Gun Control Advocates: “Hunting Rifles” Aren’t What You Think They Are

I've heard over and over again in the last few days that the gun control advocates aren't after our hunting rifles. Its a blatant play to try and divide the firearms community, playing on...

Jay Carney Walking Back President Obama’s Gun Control Support?

I'm watching the White House press briefing right now, and I get the distinct feeling that Jay Carney -- the President's mouthpiece -- is walking back the gun control rhetoric that the president has...

Flash: Gun Control “Worked” in Newtown

As the country looks for answers to fix the perceived problem that caused the shooting in Connecticut on Friday, one of the things people are running to is increased gun control. An assault weapons...