Ask Foghorn: Polymer Frame or All Metal for Handguns?

ST asked many, many months ago: Does anyone on your team have a preference of metal or polymer frame firearms for purchase and carry, and why so? Is this a 'phase' time and experience will cause...

3D Printers Start Making Home Firearms Manufacturing a Reality

Earlier this week there came news from ARFCOM that someone had actually printed an AR-15 lower receiver on a 3D printer -- a machine that layers plastic or other materials to form an object. That lower...

Constitutional Idiocy: Calling ‘Em Like I See ‘Em

Everyone thought the Gabby Giffords shooting was just what the anti-gun crowd needed to finally get new gun control legislation enacted. Well, how'd that work out? A few neutered attempts at magazine capacity limits...

Candidates Backpeddling on Anti-Gun Rhetoric

With only 99 days left on the stump to have their voices heard, our incumbent President and the presumed GOP nominee have gone eerily silent on anything gun related. Connie Cass of the AP...

Useless Horror and the Slow-Learner Syndrome

It’s happened again, another lone nut-job has murdered innocent citizens. No I’m not going to add to the infamy of this piece of human debris that is for some inexplicable reason still stealing oxygen...

Mitt Romney And The Ancient Vulcan Proverb

There is an ancient Vulcan proverb: Only Nixon could go to China. This enigmatic epigram comes to us straight from that most mysterious of Vulcans, Commander Spock. What can a 23rd-century Starfleet officer tell us...

PR Gone Awry: Trying to Use Shootings to Boost Sales?

There's an old saying in PR that any publicity is good publicity. And while that may technically be true, it doesn't mean that drumming it up is always the right thing to do....

Combat Pawn: Seriously, Who Thought This Show was a Good Idea?

80 There's a new show on the tube (TruTV to be exact) that attempts to combine the haggling excitement of Pawn Stars, the build challenges of American Guns and the drama of Sons of Guns....

Portland Gun Grabbing? Not So Fast, Mr. Adams

Jeez, I'm busy for a few days and all hell lets out for lunch in Portland? As Farago reports, the Illegal Gun Ordinance Oversight Committee has proposed a voluntary (for now) gun registry to...

Airbus, Boeing, and Gun Control

I'm a rather large aviation nerd in addition to being the gun nerd you've come to know and love. Basically anything mechanical floats my boat, but for some reason there's nothing quite as sexy...

Now Live: TTAG Podcast #2

In this episode I discuss topics with Tyler Kee, including my upcoming 3-gun competition, summers in Texas and why both of us are secretly lusting after Thompson Center firearms. Grab the episode directly by...

Fast and Furious – An Alternative Explanation

When it comes to the Fast and Furious debacle, the predominate Armed Intelligentsia party line is that from the start, Fast and Furious was a deep cover operation perpetrated by the Obama administration to...