Fast and Furious: Can You Handle the Truth?

Our wires and airwaves are bloated with the braying and trumpeting of self-important pundits, hoisting their own petards against the walls of fact and logic. It's all harmless fun, really. No one is getting...

Google to Censor Firearms Related Shopping Results

  A user on received a troubling email from Google last week. We knew that Google was passing on providing advertising for the multi-billion dollar industry that is the firearms and weapons market, but...

Book Review: NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection in the Home

There are three aspects to at-home armed self-defense: preparation, execution and avoiding execution. OK, that last one's a bit overly dramatic. Only thirty-three states have the death penalty. Even in those states that do...

Just One Minute: Gun Rights and Political Purity

The following is by Joshua Grabow in response to Tim McNabb's post yesterday: This is a libertarian response to Tim McNabb's piece on progressivism and 2A rights. I've made the point before that I think...

Liberals Love Guns Too, You Know…

The other day, a few “progressive” members of the armed intelligentsia pleaded that I not drive away supporters of the 2nd amendment who are among the center-left. Apparently, the fidelity of left-leaning supporters toward...

Self Defense Tip: Don’t Draw on a Cop

The Bay Area seems to be having its fair share of idiots who've decided they want to take on the local po po. This latest incident seems additionally disturbing as the yoot involved was...

Don’t like Stand Your Ground Laws? Thank a Liberal

Lefties are using the tragic death of Trayvon Martin as an occasion to call into question 'stand your ground' (SYG) laws. In the face of a legitimate threat, the duty to retreat is removed...

How Not to Secure the Bitter Clinger Vote

Michael Barbaro of the NYT's Political Caucus blog brings the news that GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney had a meeting recently with everyone's favorite little know-it-all, Michael Bloomberg. "The pursuit of Mayor Michael...

Washington, Where Nothing’s Funnier than Government-Sponsored Gun-Running

13 The Annual White House Correspondents' Dinner is a self-congratulatory mutual masturbation marathon that's ostensibly a "roast" of the President. No matter who's in the big chair, at best it's a drunken festival of strained...

On the Restoration of Felons’ Gun Rights

Before the NRA annual meeting in St. Louis this year the TTAG crew had a very nice dinner with Dick Heller at Dan's place. The topic of discussion that night meandered from one thing...

Historical Symmetry: Four Reverends and Four Men Named George

This is a tale of four Georges. The first George, George Santayana (aka Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás) famously penned, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”...

Quote of the Day: Due Process Edition

"I don't want to live in a democracy - where we have the rule of law, and where there's such thing as due process - where people start to state as facts things that...