Result of Florida Governor’s Panel on Changes to “Stand Your Ground” Law: Nothing

Following the Trayvon Martin shooting, there was a massive backlash against Florida's Stand Your Ground law -- the one that removes the duty to retreat from somewhere you have a legal right to be...

Travis Haley on the 300 AAC Blackout

39 Travis Haley is probably best known these days for his role in the Magpul Dynamics series of training videos on carbines and handguns, but the man is a master trainer in his own right...

Details of Dianne Feinstein’s Upcoming Assault Weapons Ban Proposal Begin Leaking

Everyone saw this coming. Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic Senator from California and co-sponsor of the USA PATRIOT Act extension, has been rumored to be meeting with ATF officials in the past few days and...

Why We’re Still At Least Two Years Away from an Assault Weapons Ban

The election results have riled up the firearms owning world, bringing flashbacks to those dark times when the assault weapons ban was the law of the land. The fear that a Chicago Democrat with...

The Hunger Games, Tyranny and American Civil Rights

by John Boch, president of Guns Save Life Lots of folks have raved over The Hunger Games series of books by Suzanne Collins. I'll be the first to admit I don't keep current on the...

Ineffective Political Ad of the Day: California Edition

Someone thought this would be a great political advertisement to get people to not vote for Scott Hasson, candidate for San Diego Community College Board. So they mailed it to everyone in his district....

Debate Completely Ignores Gun Control. Again.

There were many topics discussed at the Vice Presidential debate tonight. Abortion, taxes, the wars in Afghanistan and Syria... There was much to talk about. But the one notable topic missing from the discussion,...

Guns Save Life: Stop Contributing to Illinois’ Gun Grabbers

By John Boch What would you say to a group of politicians who attack everyday, law-abiding baseball fans and wanted to ban America’s favorite pastime? What if they claimed it was because the game is...

‘Tis the Season: Zombie Marketing Kicks into High Gear

It's October and that means one thing if you're in retail: Halloween. Everyone's apparently  thinking about goblins and ghouls and all sorts of scary stuff. Personally, I'm looking forward to my traditional Halloween night...

Robert Farago: Breaking the Establishment Media’s Stranglehold (Audio from GRPC 2012)

There are some things our glorious leader can do. Breaking the establishment media's stranglehold for one. But uploading an MP3 to the internet and getting it to play for all of you is not...

And They Spelled His Name Right, Too!

RF didn't want me to post this, but I'm claiming editor's prerogative.... For his seven-days-a-week campaign to report on the ongoing struggle to reclaim American gun rights, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) presented TTAG's...