The Elite Hate You and Me But We Can Still Fight Back

America’s elites hate the little people. These wealthy and powerful people hold everyday Americans in utter contempt. In fact, it’s almost like they want to take us back to the Stone Age when it...

9th Circuit Puts Final Nail In Cali Advertising Ban Coffin—Maybe

The case involving California’s unconstitutional law banning firearms advertisements that “may be attractive to minors” might finally be coming to an end. Last October, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled...

Tribes Need To Use Gun Rights To Fight The Cartels

In theory, the American West (away from the coast, at least) is a pretty good place to carry a gun. Constitutional carry has spread across most states, and the remaining ones (Nevada, New Mexico...

Opinion: On Finland’s New Ranges, Puukko Knives and Sisu

When Soviet Red Army troops poured across the Finnish frontier three months after the outbreak of World War II, Simo Häyhä, a farmer and member of Finland’s Civil Guard, laid down his pitchfork, picked...

Nighthawk Custom Guns: Custom Gun Capabilities For A Perfect Build

Over the past few years, I have been fortunate to spend the first week of October in Idaho at numerous firearm-industry editorial rendezvous. More than a dozen gun writers gathered to see what the...

Tennessee Gun Owners Face Full-On Attack On Rights

Gun owners in Tennessee have found themselves facing a barrage of anti-gun legislation as the session ramps up in The Volunteer State. Nine anti-gun measures are currently under consideration in House subcommittees. And all would...

How Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention is Directing the War on Guns

The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention has become a significant threat to our guns and our civil rights. When the office was unveiled in September 2023, President Joe Biden said it would, “centralize,...

A Brave New Yorker Needs Our Help Keeping His Freedom

Dexter Taylor is the kind of guy most of us would hang out with. Not only is he hard-working and intelligent, working as a software engineer, but he chooses challenging hobbies. A while back,...

The Kansas City Category Error

Influential people with anti-gun views often want to "wade into the debate" after a big shooting. They'd have us believe that they are apolitical people who were above or outside of the debate, but...
Gavin Newsom angry pointing

California Bill Would Require Insurance Agencies To Ask About Guns

In yet another attempt to snoop around in matters that aren’t any of their business, the California State Assembly is considering a measure that would make insurance companies include questions on an application for...

Yet Another Reason NFA and GCA Need To Die

When Congress defined the term "machine gun" in federal law, they thought it was pretty clear, and in most ways, it really is. If a single movement of the trigger produces only one shot,...

A New Name For Anti-Gun Tragedy Exploiters: Coffin Surfers

I recently came across something pretty funny on Twitter that I think merits some more sharing. In the past, I've called the people who take advantage of tragedy to push an anti-gun...