American Rifleman: “We Don’t Publish Negative Reviews”

A few months ago I was interviewed for an assistant editor position at American Rifleman magazine, the NRA's flagship publication with about 1.3 million subscribers. Don't worry, I'm not running off anytime soon. Anyway,...

NYT Joe Sharkey Backpedals on Guns-on-Planes. Ish.

Back in November, Club Class passenger and New York Times columnist Joe Sharkey wrote a piece about guns-on-planes called Knuckleheads and Worse, Bringing Guns in Carry-ons. Needless to say, TTAG took him to task for...

The ATF Contributes to the Culture

Who says our friends at the ATF aren't good for anything, huh? In addition to arming drug runners and lying about it, they've now added to the American lexicon. According to US News via...

The Grapevine Santa Murder/Suicide was a…wait for it…Honor Killing.

As a gun blog where more of the writers lean Right than Left, we get some flack from time to time, any time we bring up connections between Islam and gun violence. Strike that....

NY Times Proves Concealed Carry License Holders More Law-Abiding Than the Population. Unintentionally.

The New York Times published an article yesterday about concealed carry permit holders in the state of North Carolina, painting them as drunken drug addicts who used their guns irrationally in the heat of...

Santa and his Slay, in Grapevine, TX

If you've been busy with presents, Honey-baked hams, and too much eggnog, you might have missed a story out of Grapevine, Texas, where seven people died in what the authorities at first called "an apparent murder-suicide."...

Shall-Issue Prognosticators’ Crystal Balls Were Cloudy

The DesMoines Register reports that some sheriffs are astonished that when they stop arbitrarily curtailing folks' rights, people start actually exercising them: The number of Iowans seeking permits to carry handguns and other weapons has...

Question of the Day: Diagnostic Edition

Watching House with someone who's a legitimate medical professional can be a bit odd sometimes. Turns out that all of that fancy medical language is just for show. Sigh.... Tonight, I got the Hulu+...

Where’s the Line Between Paranoia and Preparedness?

My life has been, well, kinda weird, lately. Strike that. My life has been VERY weird for the past two years, to be perfectly blunt. And when life gets weird, it forces you to...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Ohio Muzzleloader

A 15-year-old Amish girl is dead this afternoon thanks to a careless and lazy shooter. WCPO reports: A man cleaning his muzzle-loading rifle shot the gun into the air, accidentally killing a 15-year-old Amish girl...

Taking On the Anti Arguments, One at a Time – Part Deux

Yesterday, I began the Herculean task of answering mikeb's (and every other gun grabber's) unspoken question, “Why are you gun-nuts against reasonable, common-sense gun laws?” Taking this on - and doing it justice -...

Taking on the Anti Arguments, One at a Time – Part 1

I seem to be on something of a roll here lately, answering questions that antis have asked. This post is inspired by a fairly regular TTAG anti commenter and poster, mikeb302000. One of his...