Mike Lupica: True Believer With a Gun is The Most Dangerous WMD

I seem to have a severe reading comprehension problem. I frequently have trouble fathoming what passes for reason in the minds of many co-called mainstream media commentators. OK, I know Mike Lupica's a loud-mouthed,...

Does CCW Prevent Mass Shootings?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTainp2cY_w When gun rights supporters pushed "shall issue" concealed carry legislation through the majority of State legislatures, supporters claimed the move would make mass shootings less likely. CCW (Concealed Carry Weapons permits) would create an "invisible...

Gun-Free Zones—from a Canadian’s Perspective

  During RF's recent Caribbean cruise, he raised the inflammatory question of whether or not there should be gun-free zones. To quote The Pirates of the Caribbean, do you believe in gun-free zones Miss Turner? Well...

Canada Moving Toward Less Gun Regulation While the US…

Sure, it can be easy to poke some good-natured fun at our neighbors to the north occasionally. Yes, they have some unusual culinary traditions. Their football fields are funny looking. And they're not always...

Friends, (Gun) Owners, Countrymen . . . Lend me Your Ears

As I've mentioned here before, I was a professional musician long before I was a shooter. I'm also the son, grandson, great-grandson, etc. etc. etc. of musicians. As such, I make a part of...

Ohio Proposed Bill Would Arm EMTs – Is That Really a Good Idea?

It seems like in these troubled economic times, more and more people are calling for EMTs to go above and beyond the call of duty. Which we're perfectly happy to do, within reason. What...

The (Gun) Law of Unintended Consequences.

I live in the South, where the Summer heat is the stuff of which legends are made. To put it bluntly, the heat, y'all, is a bitch. A five-star, gold-plated, ask-no-quarter-and-give-none BE-yatch. You can...

Lindsay Lohan ♥ Guns?

At TTAG, we really don't care who likes or doesn't like guns. Not our problem. And celebrity gossip is not our thing. The ONLY reason (and I mean the only reason) we find this newsworthy...

NRA Lawyers Massed on Border Over New Regulations

You had to see this coming, didn't you? The Obama administration announced that they’re going to implement new “common sense” gun control measures. On their own. Without going through Congress. In apparent violation of...

Need a Job? Don’t Head for the Recruiting Office Just Yet

So you’ve had your fill of flipping burgers for the minimum wage after four years of drinking beer and hooking up busting your butt in college? That sociology degree didn’t prove to be the...

Flash Mobs Spread Panic…Among the News Media – Regarding CHL Permit Holders.

You gotta wonder if the news media actually listens to themselves. I mean, here's a group of yoots that form a "flash mob," storm a department store, and make off with a bunch of...

Havin’ a Good Time

  Yesterday it was my birthday I hung one more year on the line I should be depressed My life’s a mess But I’m having a good time — Paul Simon, Havin' a Good Time* Sometimes a songwriter scores a bull's-eye,...