Saturday Evening Post: What Would Papa Think of TTAG?

Ernest Hemingway was about the least-contradictory human being to walk the planet. He was what we used to refer to as a "man's man," a hard-drinking, hard-living S.O.B. who didn't care what you thought...

Ohio: Where Guns and Alcohol May Not Mix…But They Mingle.

They say drinking and driving don't mix. And they're right. They also say guns and alcohol don't mix. Right again, as far as drinking and carrying. But there's been a decided swing towards common...

Connect the Dots: Mexican Drug Cartels -> U.S. Government

TTAG's editorial budget is whatever I'm prepared to lose during the first two years of operation. So I can't chase down leads and break news in the most under-reported firearms-related story in today's...

The Making of John Moses Browning

When I wrote Ode to Browning, I wondered aloud how a Mormon kid from Ogden, Utah, could become the world’s most influential gun designer. That muse was not an idle thought. Last week I...

Is America Becoming a Police State?

Regular readers will recall that the Violence Policy Center recently released a study entitled The Militarization of the U.S. Firearms Market. The VPC's poison pen letter to the American gun industry was a profoundly flawed...

Who Shouldn’t Carry a Gun?

Even as you read the headline, it kinda grabbed you, and then made you stop and think, right? I mean, here at TTAG, most of us are unashamedly, unabashedly pro-gun. But despite what professional...

ATF Death Watch 22: WaPo Prescription for ATF: More Money, More Power

It's not easy carrying water for big government these days. Especially with all the manifest failures staring the public right in the face. A flack has to twist and contort himself into all kinds...

ATF Death Watch 21: You Know You’re Toast When The Libs Start Mocking You.

With a tip o' the TTAG cap (available in the TTAG Store for a reasonable $19.95 + S&H) to founding TTAG Armed Intelligentsia member Bill Montgomery (who we all wish would send us some...

Mexican Troops “Accidentally” Enter the U.S.

DATELINE LAREDO, TX: "A convoy of three military trucks loaded with Mexican soldiers crossed into the United States from Mexico at Laredo's Bridge #2." It gets worse . . . Customs & Border Patrol just...

Karl Lippard Can Shoot Chuck Norris From Another State

Gunsmith and Marine Karl Lippard has provided more than a few TTAG skeptics with comment fodder aplenty since we first came upon his claim to be producing a 1911 capable of accurate groups at...

While We Were Sleeping: Obama 86th Executive Order.

Enjoy the national spectacle that was Weinergate? Despite the fact that I have nothing in common with the politics of Andrew Weiner, I really wanted to see that scandal go away, even realizing that...

Question Of The Day: WTF Do You Call the TFG (The Freedom Group)?

In a recent post I rather clumsily referred to "Marlin/Remington" as a conjoined entity, but an astute reader noticed my grammatical faux pas in using the plural verb 'are' instead of the singular 'is.' This...