Repeal the second amendment protest sign

News Website Calls For Repeal of Second Amendment

While lawful gun owners fight a daily battle against all manners of infringements on Second Amendment-protected rights, seldom do we hear outright calls for repeal of that portion of the Bill of...

Gun-Rights Group Calls Attention To Anti-Gun Nature Of Democrat Party Platform

On Monday’s first day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Pro-Second Amendment advocates were blowing the whistle on the Democratic Party Platform. “Tim Walz lied when he said,...

DNC, Harris Double Down on Gun Control

As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) unfolds this week, the party’s platform on gun control is taking center stage, reflecting a significant escalation in the push for more restrictive gun laws. In...

Another Life Saved: Sometimes Kids And Guns Do Mix

A Florida man is alive today thanks to a quick-thinking youth who used a firearm to put an end to an attack on his uncle. The incident occurred in...

Gun-Rights Group Urges Supreme Court To Hear Maryland AWB Challenge

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) on Wednesday filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the court to hear its lawsuit challenging Maryland’s ban on many common semi-automatic firearms.

2 U.S. Reps Introduce Bill To Outlaw Handgun Rosters

Republican U.S. Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Darrel Issa of California have introduced new federal legislation to prohibit states like the ones they represent from maintaining unconstitutional handgun rosters that...

Freedom Gets A Boost In California Nonresident Carry Case

A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction in the case challenging California’s ban on nonresident carry of firearms, thanks largely to the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in New York State...

Charges Finally Dropped Against Denver Man Who Shot 2 In Self-Defense

A Colorado man who faced two first-degree murder charges for shooting and killing two aggressors during a road-rage incident has finally had all charges dropped against him. In June...

4th Circuit Court Upholds Maryland Handgun Law

The 4th Circuit Court of appeals has reversed an earlier decision by a three-judge panel of the same court, upholding Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License (HQL) requirement. In the case...
Small submachineguns

Judge Dismisses Machine Gun Case, Says Law Is Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Wichita, Kansas, has tossed the case against a Kansas man who was facing charges of illegally possessing a machine gun. In his decision in the...

Another Louisiana City Tries To Avoid Constitutional Carry

We reported recently how New Orleans attempted to skirt the state’s new constitutional carry law by declaring a police station in the popular French Quarter to be a “school,” which would effectively...

Biden/Harris Seek to Ban Guns in U.S. While Arming, Strengthening our Enemies

Three years ago, 13 U.S. service members were killed during Joe Biden’s botched Afghan pullout. He never mentions them, their grieving families or the changes that have taken place since they made...