The M1911 is the Harley-Davidson of Pistols

(Note: This is part 1 of a 3 part series I will be writing exploring the confluence of Motorcycles and Guns, two of my favorite hobbies.) Alternate title: The Harley-Davidson is the M1911...

Perez Hilton Hates Guns. (Duh.)

  As I await my flight to Pittsburgh, I was flipping through Zite on my iPad (if you're one of the lucky ones to own an iPad and you don't know about Zite, download it....

Mexico to Sue U.S. Gunmakers

Everybody sit down. Are you sitting comfortably? Need anything? Cup of tea, perhaps. Good. Okay. I have some…unpleasant news for you. Yes, our close, personal friends down Meh-hi-coh way have decided to retain U.S.-based...

Media, Mind-games & Malice Aforethought.

I was busy minding my own business the other day, when Fearless Leader calls me. "Brad, the Brady people have just released a's on HuffPo…I'm heading to the range…go forth and blog it...

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

They are the three kinds of lies – that is, lies, damned lies, and statistics. I don't know who actually said it (Mark Twain claimed it was British PM Benjamine Disraeli, but evidence points...

TTAG American Traitors o’ the Day: Rolling Stone Magazine

  Let's get one thing straight up front. Cpl. Jeremy Morlock and Pfc. Andrew Holmes and their "Kill Squad" in Afghanistan are a bunch of murdering thugs, who have no business being in the United States...

A View to an Assassination.

You are looking at what is perhaps one of the most famous – and infamous – buildings in the world. It's the Texas School Book Depository, overlooking Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. For the...

Guns n’ Statism.

47 The wonderful thing about molecules is that no two of them can exist in the same space at the same time. It's very binary. Black/white. On/off. Here/Not Here. Would that society operated on such...

How Safe is Safe?

So I was having my semi-daily chin wag with Fearless Leader today, and talk turned to handgun safeties. RF mentioned he'd seen the Kimber Solo up close and personal, and mentioned that it's safety...

Shotzberger on Obama’s Gun Control Editorial

Reading Barack Obama's gun control editorial, I admit I was surprised. Surprised that the three points made actually were... somewhat reasonable (if flawed, analysis below). The FBI's NICS background check system for gun purchases...

Question of the Day: Oh Yeah? You and What Army?!

I get a lot of email. Dunno why. It's not like I'm askin' for it. I've got a filtering system from the gates of Hell itself, and still I get a lot. Some of...

A Little Media Advice for the ATF

While I write about guns here on TTAG, my main gig is as a marketing guy. As such, I have a little different perspective on a lot of news stories. I often-times see scandal-type...